
Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 075 ff

What we learn from the Avos that relates to us though our Yiddishkiet is so different. How we make Yiddishkiet as personal and felt by us.

Introduction to the lives of the Avos, Shevatim and Golus and Geulas Mitzrayim.

Patriarchs (00) (5776/2015) The pact with non-Jews, the Jewish nation, Iyov tells God there will never be another Avrohom Avinu.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 013 ff

All in one class. Likutei Sichos vol. 20 page 13 ff. The Rebbe explains that the RaMbaM considers it important to underscore the idea that Avrohom’s pursuit of God started out initially as a strictly intellectual one. However, he then explains that intellect in and of itself it is not sustainable, as is evidenced from…

Toras Menachem – Vayeshev 20 Kislev 5717 (01) – Sicha One.

Class One. 19 Kislev 5560, and the Alter Rebbe. The comparison between Chanuka and Yud Tes Kislev.

Toras Menachem – 20 Kislev 5717 (09) – Sicha Eight.

Class Nine. Page 290. Lechayim for Morocco new Mosdos. Binyamin Gorodetzky.

Toras Menachem – Shabbos Tisa – Shushan Purim Katan 5717 (04) – Sicha Two – Introduction to Ma’amar

Class Four. Page 100. The famous מאמר וקבל היהודים רפ”ז was based on ד”ה כי תשא עטר”ת. There are parts of that מאמר that are not repeated in רפ”ז which the Rebbe said this Shabbos on the פסוק כי תישא תשי”ז.

Toras Menachem – Lag BaOmer 5717

Class. Children during the period between Yetzias Mitzrayim and Mattan Torah. The ease of being Jewish today. Lag BaOmer, even children will know secrets of Torah when Moshiach comes.

Toras Menachem – Shavuous 5717 (07) – Sicha Thirteen

Class Seven. Page 66-67. The Baal Shem Tov’s dvaikus and remaining in the body etc.

Toras Menachem – Shavuous 5717 (06) – Sicha Ten

Class six. Page 59-60. Introduction about Reb Laib, the Rebbe’s brother on the occasion of 13 Iyar, his Yahrtzeit. Gan Yisroel- the “upside” of camp- what the gains are.

Toras Menachem – Shavuous 5717 (01) -Sicha One.

Class One. Page 38-9. Explaining the phrase קבלת התורה בשמחה ובפנימיות. Joy to overcome hardships. Pnimiyus to reach the essence of the Neshama. We meet אנכי הוי’ אלוקיך, the essence of G-dliness is our personal G-d.