Likutei Sichos – Vol 24 p 107 ff – Arei Miklat
In Nigla, it seems so unnecessary to have, let alone add additional cities of refuge. This Sicha offers different reasons for these new cities, until the Rebbe gives us his word: 1) They will serve for those who murder before Moshiach came because, 2) The murder-ed’s relatives have a Mitzvah to avenge his blood for…
Complete Sichos in one class.
The idea that in the very beginning there is the end shows itself in the idea that ‘the blowing for practice’ on the first day of Rosh Chodesh Elul is connected to Yom Kippur!
10 ELUL 5711. Kabalas Ponim.
Toras Menachem vol. 3 p. 292 ff. Wedding is achieved through Makifs. How this is found in The Melech BaSadeh analogy to Elul.
Sicha – Shavuos – When (saying) nothing isn’t nothing at all (01)
Likutei Sichos Vol 28 p 7 ff Introduction and summary of the sicha. This class is packed with information. Fascinating information about the offerings associated with Shavuos and the Chassidus that will help you prepare yourself for receiving the Torah. How do we count the days of the week before receiving the Torah?
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