The Hadran HaGadol al HaRaMbaM (5735) (06)
Class Six. This class was more or less without text, reviewing and explaining what we learned yesterday. Reading a little from the footnotes. 1) The way to learn RaMbaM is in order, 2) The RaMbaM begins his sefer with Yedias Hashem, though he himself (at the end of chapter 4) discourages beginners from learning this,…
Sefer Hasichos – Hadran 5746 (06)
Class Six. More on footnote 14. The RaMbaM is speaking before the Tzimtzum and therefore cannot give the typical logical answer. The normal answer is understood by the issue of the ‘Nekuda HahaFlaa’ in RaMbaM: that there are two kinds of ‘k’dima’ (precedence) in time and in necessity. Accordingly understanding Yedia and B’chira is simple,…
Sefer Hasichos – Hadran 5746 (05)
Class Five. Note 14, the question of how Hashem’s knowledge of the future does not undermine free will and the complicated answer the RaMbaM gives. This is consistent with the (two) level(s) of higher than reason (and reason). Page 251-2. Footnote 14.
Sefer Hasichos – Hadran 5746 (04)
Class four. Footnote 19- how to explain the RaMbaM (who was a Philosopher) on Kabbalah principles? The two are not an argument but two different levels: before and after the Tzimtzum- before the tzimtzum things are Nimna HaNimnaos and after the tzimztum they are logical. Page 252. Footnote 15.
Sefer Hasichos – Hadran 5746 (03)
Class Three. 2) (Another reason) why the Faith (and knowledge) that comes before intellect is higher than the intellectual understanding that follows is because reason is limited to logic and the pre-intellectual knowledge includes that He is ‘Nimna HaNimnaos’. A discussion on the two, opinions (Chakira and Kabalah) whether He is an essence of reason…
Sefer Hasichos – Hadran 5746 (02)
Class Two. Two concepts of knowledge, the pre-reason knowledge is higher than the knowledge that comes from logic for two reasons: 1) every cause must be greater than its effect, and since the knowledge connected to reason is motivated by the knowledge that precedes it, it must be greater than it. Page 251.
Sefer Hasichos – Hadran 5746 (01)
(This class is only on the ‘Yedias Hashem part of this Hadran). Class One. New Hadran, we’re learning only the part connected to the Mitzva of Yedias Hashem. Emuna and knowing are before the Mitzva, then comes the Mitzva which is to understand more deeply. Page 251
Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5721 (36) – Sicha Five (11) – Sicha Six (01)
10 Shvat 5721, Class 36; Sicha 5 (Class 11); Sicha 6 (Class 1).This class completes the Fifth Sicha about חיים כולכם היום that Dvaikus means life, real life, which is forever, an attachment to the source.We also began Sicha 6. He begins by introducing us to the notion that Dvaikus has to mean oneness and…
Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5720 (06) – Sicha Six (03)
12 Tamuz 5720, Sicha 6, Class Six.Page 212-213.This sicha addresses the Chassidic principle of going out of restriction (tzimtzum). In addition there is extensive discussion of the decades long process of building 770 (the Lubavitch central synagogue in Brooklyn) and the Rebbe’s approach to managing and developing the physical infrastructure of the Lubavitch organization.
Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5721 (34) – Sicha Five (09)
10 Shvat 5721, Class 34; Sicha 5 (Class 09). ולדבקה בו is also a specific Mitzvah.
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