Toras Menachem – (Shlach – Graduation – Camp) – 5720 (05)
Sivan 5720 Class Five (Page 167-8).Yeshivas Ohel Moshe.Everything in the world of Kohanim happens fast, including their Zrizus.The lesson from the Kohanim and the stick of almonds, when one is involved in holiness he must be holier than at other times. The task demands it.
Toras Menachem – (Shlach – Graduation – Camp) – 5720 (04)
Sivan 5720 Class Four (Page 165-6).Cont. girls going to be counselors in camp. You have special strength but free will must be exercised by you to bring it all out.
Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5719 (04)
Class Four: This last class on this Sicha ties the various ideas together: The Rebbe RaYaTz in his incarceration insisted on repeating the thought he’d heard from his father about שכל אלוקי being אמונה first and then reason. Because that reveals the infinity of Yiddishkiet which is the antithesis of the incarcerating (=limiting) Yiddishkeit that…
Toras Menachem – (Shlach – Graduation – Camp) – 5720 (03)
Sivan 5720 Class Three (Page 165).Graduating girls, going to camp and being counselors, the great responsibility and the Zechus. Hashgacha Protis appointed and empowered them
Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5719 (03)
Class Three: This class begins with about ten minutes on the date the class was given: 19 Tamuz, the day of the Previous Rebbe’s Bris. In the class on the Sicha the Rebbe explains the need for Faith and reason, but the Faith must come first and the reason second and NOT the other way…
Toras Menachem – (Shlach – Graduation – Camp)-5720 (02)
Shlach 5720 Class Two (Page 163-4).חמרא אפילו בתקופת תמוז קרירא לי’ה the lesson that to some things (Gashmiyus) we must be “cold”.The idea of Tzitzis and Yirah.
Toras Menachem – (Shlach – Graduation – Camp) – 5720 (01)
Shlach 5720 Class One (Page 162-3).Camp is Yeshiva in camouflage. Brachos.Graduates from Boston Achei Temimim.
Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5720 (05) – Sicha Six (02)
12 Tamuz 5720, Sicha 6, Class Five.Short class, more on building and going out of TzimtzumLubavitch should stop going into Galus.
Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5719 (02)
Class Two: A) The second “vort” from the Rebbe MaharaSh: the difference between ריידען חסידות and זאגן חסידות. B) The second means speaking even when people don’t understand, but it will come back to them later אפרופען זיך, and the first is when the listeners can understand. C) How this also has the idea of…
Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5719 (01)
Class One: 1) The day and Yomtov of 12 Tamuz. 2) Beginning of the Farbrengen of Shabbos 12 Tamuz 5719. 3) Rebbe RaShaB’s “ווארט” said to his son the Rebbe RaYatz in Rostov on front of what would later be the building of the KGB about שכל אנושי vs שכל אלוקי. The former goes from…
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