Sicha – Nitzavim (07)
Likutei Sichos Vol 09 p 184 ff Class Seven: There has to be some connection between the idea of Birchas HaChodesh which we do now and the ancient Kidush HaChodesh done by Hashem. Page 187-8.
Sicha – Nitzavim (06)
Likutei Sichos Vol 09 p 184 ff Class Six: Nigla source for Hashem’s blessing giving Koach, from the (Midrash that says) Hashem was Mikadesh all the Months from creation until Yidden took Him over. Page 186-7.
Sicha – Nitzavim (05)
Likutei Sichos Vol 09 p 184 ff Class Five: Nigla source for the Kisuy of Rosh Hashana being more than the others and therefore blessed by Him. Page 186.
Sicha – Nitzavim (04)
Likutei Sichos Vol 09 p 184 ff Class Four: cont. Questions. 1) on the Baal Shem Tov’s language calling Tishrei the first month, 2) Tishrei is Teshuva time (for us to give) not for Him to bless? Page 185-6.
Toras Menachem – Summer 5727 – Mivtza Tefillin (01)
Class One. במדבר ה’תשכ”ז introducing מבצע תפילין. It brings you back alive as it says in Gemara כל המניח תפילין מאריך ימים. It protects you from needing to fight altogether as it says in the Gemara in Brachos וראו כל עמי הארץ כי שם השם נקרא עליך ויראו ממיך וארז”ל אלו תפילין שבראש.
Sicha 19 Kislev – What is Chassidus (44)
Likutei Sichos – Vol 02 p 471 ff Class 44. Chabad Chassidus continued. The Alter Rebbe’s journey to his Rebbe and learning all about himself.
Sicha 19 Kislev – What is Chassidus (43)
Likutei Sichos – Vol 02 p 471 ff Class 43. CHABAD Chassidus divergence from the mainstream (CHAGAS) Chassidus by the Alter Rebbe. Some stories of how (and what) this occurred. What is different about CHABAD.
Sicha 19 Kislev – What is Chassidus (42)
Likutei Sichos – Vol 02 p 471 ff Class 42. CHABAD Chassidus vs. CHAGAS Chassidus. Inside.
Sicha 19 Kislev – What is Chassidus (41)
Likutei Sichos – Vol 02 p 471 ff Class 41. Conclusion of discussion Chassidus vs. Mussar.
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