
The Hadran Hagadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(30)

Class Thirty. The difference between a foundation and a column. The foundation of all foundations and the Pillar of all wisdom. Page 23-4.

The Hadran Hagadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(28)

Class Twenty Eight. Inside. The world is true (from Matzui rishon) and not real (from Aino Matzui). Page 20-22.

The Hadran Hagadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(27)

Class Twenty Seven. Many different levels of truth. Truth from oneself (God) vs. dependent truths; this itself has several levels.

The Hadran Hagadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(26)

Class Twenty Six. More on real vs. artificial existence: Echad vs. Braishis. The Rebbe MaHaRaSh’s question of picking fruit vs. making it look as though you are picking fruit on Shabbos.

Toras Menachem 5727- Six Day War (05a)

Class Five. Igros Kodesh vol 24 page 403-5, Toras Menachem vol. 50 page 264 ff. Part One. Answer. Answer to eight questions on the statement that the six day war is a מלחמת מצוה.

The Hadran Hagadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(23)

Class Twenty Three. Why we need to know both the level of ‘Aino Matzui’ as well as the level of ‘Matzui’. The ‘Matzui’ explains why what we do has value and is real; the ‘Aino Matzui’ allows for us to change what is present in God’s world. Page 18-19.

The Hadran Hagadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(22)

Class Twenty Two. The question of there being another force, which means (of course) that Hashem has helpers, is also called by the RaMbaM (in Halacha 6) ‘an ascent in knowledge’ because there is merit to this argument, when you consider how great God is, but it is (never the less) wrong. Page 17-18.

The Hadran Hagadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(21)

Class Twenty One. Footnote 37 (3). The idea of ‘Ain Koach chaser Poel’ is introduced to explain why it is that once he is a Matzui Rishon, the world already exists in effect and can never be destroyed.

Toras Menachem 5727- Six Day War

Class Four. Toras Menachem vol. 50 page 238 ff. Those who learn Torah vs. those who go to the front. The soldiers who fight are protected by the Bochurim who learn; but they are higher than them. Like Yisachar and Zevulun, though Zevulun supports Yisachar, but Zevulun is higher and in war this is much…

Toras Menachem 5727- Six Day War (03)

Class Three. Toras Menachem vol. 50 page 194-202. This war is a great miracle but it mustn’t be confused with אתחלתא דגאולה. אתחלתא דגאולה which is a משיח idea must be connected to Torah and Yiddishkeit because there is no other Moshiach and secular Eretz Yisroel is not at all this.