
04b. Chayey Sara (חיי שרה) 5712 – Class Two.

04b. Chayey Sara (חיי שרה) 5712, Class Two. Simcha: 1) Joy reveals the Atzmus created through the avoda of Dira BiTachtonim, 2) The prerequisite to joy is humility, 3) The joy (before the original sin was naturally) without murgash., 4) Nowadays the joy is bimurgash, and we must therefore have the joy hidden and the…

Toras Menachem – Purim 5718 (04)

Class Four. Page 129-130. Simcha even for the imperfect because Hashem doesn’t throw anyone away. Example: Sicha of Purim 5751 ובכן אבוא אל המלך אשר לא כדת.

Toras Menachem – B’chukosai 5713 (03)

Class Three. Simcha and Pnimiyus, Simcha is easier, the story of the Barditchiver Rebbe and SheLo Asani Goi. Page 171-2.

Toras Menachem – CHAYEY SARA 5712 (07)- Third Sicha – Class 03

Class Three. Kabalas Ol helps make an imperfect situation right. Connection to “BaKol”- daughter, Simcha with Bittul. Page 134-5.

The Baal Shem Tov. His life and legacy. (5772/2011) Lecture 13

This is a new series that will IY”H review all of the details known about the Rabbeiim. Given at Chovevei Torah. Lecture Thirteen. The philosophy of Chassidus (7). Two points: 1) Mitzvos according to Chassidus, 2) Simcha as a yesod in Chassidus.

The Baal Shem Tov. His life and legacy. (5772/2011) Lecture 09

This is a new series that will IY”H review all of the details known about the Rabbeiim. Given at Chovevei Torah. Lecture Nine. The philosophy of Chassidus (3). 1) Simcha, 2) Azov Taazov Imo. Looking after your physical health, 3) The preciousness of the Yiddisher Neshama.

Why Do I Need To Be Joyous?

Why Can’t I Be Serious?

Simcha and Chanukah (5780/ 2019)

Simcha and ChanukahHalachically there is no Simcha on Chanukah (because we don’t celebrate the victory at war) but the Rebbe so much wants to find a way a bringing Simcha to Chanukah.

Simcha, Letter (15 Elul 5711) with commentary

The Rebbe writes to someone about Simcha but insists that it be for Hashem and not for the Rebbe Simcha SHel Mitzvah vs Simcha BiTaharasah

Margila … Drava 5746.

The Teshuva and Davening nowadays must be done only with joy because 1) We’re too low to afford any kind of sadness 2) We’ve completed all aspects of sad Avoda. The question is still, how is the Tachlis of Totah Teshuva and Maasim Tovim. He explains that the point of Torah is to know Atzmus…