
The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 09a

9a. (Short) HaMalach HaGoel. Toras Menachem vol. 7 Page 76. Children and HaMalach Hagoel. a custom the Rebbe maintained for a few years, having the children sing and Simchas Torah and having someone bless them with the Possuk HaMalach HaGoel.

The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 10

10. The Nigunim. The Rebbe teaching Nigunim. He taught 14 in total and ten of them in successive years on Simchas Torah. Some thoughts and anecdotes.

Toras Menachem – Simchas Torah 5715 (09) – Sicha Four.

Class Nine. Page 85-7. Conclusions: 1) Learning Chassidus, 2) Halacha, 3) Keren Hashana, 4) Breishis, a new beginning, even if Tishrei was not as it should be.

Toras Menachem – Simchas Torah 5715 (08) – Sicha Three.

Class Eight. Page 76-7. Reb Zalman Zlatapolsky worked to see his Rebbe after the Histalkus, now the Rebbe (RaYaTz) visits someone for not listening to him and he still doesn’t acquiesce.

Lehavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5746.

Class One. Simchas Torah we all dance with all of the Torah though we own only a portion of it; or (only) one letter, because on the level of inheritance we all inherit all of the Torah. In this Ma’amar there is (also) an interesting chidush about woman and learning Torah. Class Two. The need…

Yehi Havaya Elokeinu 5745.

This Possuk which is one of the seventeen Psukim of Ata HarAisa, is a Prayer that Shlomo said, implying that even in his time it was necessary to underscore the superiority of the Avos and to pray that Hashem should be with us as He’d been with them. The Ma’amar explains this by explaining the…

Liosai Niflaos Gedolos 5744

This Ma’amar explains the connection between the Psukim of Ata HarAisa and Hakafos and Simchas Torah. 1) Ata HarAisa: Achdus on the highest levels, 2) Liosai Niflaos, not like RaShI Yesh MeAyin but like the Ba’al Shem Tov, From Yesh to Ayin that has two advantages: A. Atzmus, B. Revealed. 3) How this is connected…

להבין ענין שמחת תורה התשמ”ג

1) Shmini Atzeres is about תשובה, Shavuos is about צדיק. Therefore the עצרת of סוכות is right after סוכות, as תשובה takes no time, while the עצרת of פסח is seven weeks later as what צדיקים do takes time. שמחת תורה is joined with שמיני עצרת to add the joy element which breaks all barriers…

להבין ענין שמחת תורה ה’תשמ”ב.

Class One. Tishrei is a Teshuva event and therefore the process begins בכסה ליום חגינו which means that the highest revelation is hidden initially and only revealed afterwards. On Shmini Atzeres the effect of the Teshuva is implanted and takes root, to grow throughout the year. This is special for the Jewish People. The difference…

Liosei Niflaos Gidolos 5722.

This Ma’amar has a Simchas Torah idea, but was said on Monday (Noach) 29 Tishrei (to the departing guests). Liosei Niflaso 5722, a Simchas Torah Maamar based directly on the Alter Rebbe’s version, which creates for a very interesting learn. There are three (or four) levels: A. Kindness, B. the source of kindness C. and…