
תורה ציוה ה’תשי”ז

Class One. The two levels of a Yid’s relationship to the Torah (based on the two levels of the Neshama this Hemshech explores): Torah that feeds a Yid ישראל אתקשראי באורייתא ואורייתא בקודשא בריך הוא Torah that needs a Yid to have it (more deeply) connect(ed) to Hashem. לשמה. דוד הי’ מקשר תורה שלמעלה עם…

כי נער ישראל ואוהבהו תשט”ז.

Class One. The heavens and the earth are linked: The lowest levels of heaven (השתלשלות) to the highest levels of earth (אצילות), and the link is revealed and obvious (גילוי ההעלם). The highest levels of heaven (עצמות) and the lowest levels of earth (בי”ע) are linked but the connection is sublime and will be revealed…

Lihavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5713.

Class One. 1) Overview of the middle of the Ma’amar (for lack of time). Two kinds of Nekuda (point) the deeper one is when the point has no positive aspects only that it exists because Hashem made it, there is the ultimate Bittul. 2) Rosh Hashana is about malchus, which means Bittul, as does Shmini…

Lehavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5712.

Class One. This first class on this Ma’amar discusses the Biur (philosophy/ mysticism) of the Ma’amar. Neshamos are called ‘Kol HaNikra BiShmi…’. This means that all of Godliness (anything other than Him) even the highest light, is brought forth by Neshamos. In addition since we emerge as separate beings (as opposed to Torah, which is…


Some commentary on Ata Hareisa.

[Class 19 King in the field analogy] The joy of SUKKOS and Simchas Torah.

[Class 19 King in the field analogy] The joy of Sukkos is separated from Simchas Torah by Shmini Atzeres. The difference between these two joys.This class is not part of the original series but we connected it because of its’ relevance.

The joy of SUKKOS and Simchas Torah.

The joy of Sukkos is separated from Simchas Torah by Shmini Atzeres. The difference between these two joys.