
Hayom Yom – 04 Teves

Mavirn the Sedra – To say 2x Mikra and 1x Targum.Story about Reb Michoel Teitelbaum ****************Golus is like sleep. In sleep we surrender our control over our neshama.Good Dreams in which Torah is revealed when the neshama goes on high during sleep. If she is zoche from the good Torah learning during the day, perhaps…

Balaila Hahu 5746.

This is the classic Purim maamar. The Yidden were in Golus that is compared to sleep. Yidden’s Mesiras Nefesh “roused” Hashem (kvayachol) from His sleep. The reason the waking up is the miracle [and not the Yidden’s mesiras nefesh which aroused it] is because it’s a miracle within nature. Hashem was still “sleeping” in Golus…

Balaila Hahu 5744.

Class One. Sleep is an analogy for Galus. Everything is functioning but there is confusion, no limit, order, division. In this Ma’amar the Rebbe explains (the Frierdike Rebbe’s Ma’amar from 5700), in this way: When there is Shina (sleep) the kochos go back into the Etzem where they are on a higher level. It is…

Balaila Hahu 5743.

Sleep and awakeness as it is in the person is mirrored on high. In Golus as Yidden sleep the Shchina sleeps but when Yidden awake so does the Shchina.