
08a. Hayosheves Baganim… Brach Licha…(היושבת בגנים) 5713 (Muga) – Class 1

Class One. Ch. 2-3 of the Maamar. What all opinions agree about the differences between Mimalei’s Ohr and Sovev’s Ohr. 1) Hischalkus, 2) [Bekia,] the Dveikus is not mamosh davuk, 3) Keilim from Reshimu through complete Siluk in first Tzimtzum, 4) Sovev was only touched by the Tzimtzum etc.  

Class # 25

Part 7: Second answer – SOVEV the same all over we get different. Review of three steps of creation: 1) Machshava – world comes into being in ruchnius 2) Dibbur a) words travel out b) can only say one word at a time c) amount of air is limited. Hashem seems to leave the world…