
Basukos Tashvu 5738, Classes Three and Four.

Basukos Tashvu 5738, Class Three.Achas according to Kabbalah is higher than any association (directly or indirectly) to the world.Above the Tzimtzum, above the idea of Makom Hacholol, even above the idea of הוא ושמו בלבד, in other words Atzmus Himself is Achas.And every Jew even ordinary ones have access to “Achas” as we are rooted…

04. Basukos Tashvu 5738 (Muga)

Basukos Tashvu 5738, Class One.This Ma’amar was edited by the Rebbe at the time he said it in 5738, and was made public on Hoshana Rabba 5738, hours before the infamous heart attack he suffered then. This first class has three areas of questions:1) Understanding the Sukka2) Understanding the ד’ מינים the four kinds used…

04. Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731 (Muga)

Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731PDF Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731Class One. Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731Class Two. Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731Class Three.

03. Ulkachtem 5739 (Muga)

Ulkachtem Lachem 5739 [Introduction: there are two sides to the purpose of creation: 1) Narrow, it is about Yidden and everything and everybody else serves this goal 2) Broad, the purpose is the world as a whole, and as such everything and everybody serve Hashem directly.] Tishrei has two dimensions A בכסא B ליום חגינו[…

[Class 19 King in the field analogy] The joy of SUKKOS and Simchas Torah.

[Class 19 King in the field analogy] The joy of Sukkos is separated from Simchas Torah by Shmini Atzeres. The difference between these two joys.This class is not part of the original series but we connected it because of its’ relevance.

Yehi Hashem Elokeinu Imanu 5747.

On Sukkos the Achdus of Sukka (simple) raises us up and the unity of the four kinds (complicated) creates a deeper unity still. All this is rooted in humility. This allows us to be worthy of very great blessings – “Like our Fathers”.

BaSukos Tashvu 5745.

This short Ma’amar explains Sukkos through the Possuk Basukos Tashvu… Kol HaEzrach… Yeshvu… 1) The Sukka gives us an Ohr Makif, 2) We sit and settle the Ohr Makif to be Pnimi, 3) We have Da’as which brings to Achdus, as represented by the Sukka and the four minim, 4) This reveals the highest level…

Ulkachtem Lachem 5744.

Sukkos is all about Achdus in various aspects: 1) The Four Minim are all naturally inclined towards divisiveness, but they are never the less unified; they become the basis for the Achdus of Lulav: joining together for the Mitzvah of Daled Minim. 2) The Sukka itself unifies (in theory) all the Jews in the world….

וחג האסיף התשמ”ג

The system of unity (as explained here) is three steps: 1) division, 2) unification, 3) Oneness (where no parts exist at all, as all the parts are part of one complex purpose). In this מאמר this idea plays itself out in four things: 1) The harvest, 2) The Sukka, 3) The Four Minim Lulav etc,…