
Soul (Avrohom) and body (Exodus from Egypt) and the birth of a nation (5778/ 2018).

A talk given in Minnesota on the meaning of the Jewish people. The Jewish Soul relates back to Avrohom Avinu. The Jewish Body relates to the time the Jewish people left Egypt, crossed the Yam Suf, received the Torah, and were Chosen. A nation is צבו”ר= צדיקים בינונים ורשעים. A nation means even the worst…

15 Menachem Av- The celebration of T’shuva. (5773/2013).

The 15th of Menachem Av celebrates the idea of T’shuva and the joy the opportunity brings (it actually reverses the churban Beis HaMikdash) that is even more exhilarating than Yom Kippur.

HoRaisa Derech Teshuva…

(From the Slichus) of Tzom Gedalia. Horaisa Derech Teshuva Livas Hashoveiva. The poem included in the Tzom Gerdalia Slichus (as is the case with much of this Slichus) it’s more about Aseres Yemei Teshuva than about Gedalia.

TESHUVA origins.

Examples of Baalei Teshuva.

Balance (healthy) vs. Compensator (invalid) , like the Tzadik and the Ba’al Teshuva. (5774/2013).

The invalid is disqualified from working in the Beis haMikdash, why?! Because he is not about balance but compensation, and and the Beis HaMikdash is all about balance. The advantage of the ‘Compensator’ also known as the Baal Teshuva.


A thought on Teshuva.

An important conversation (5777/2016).

This discussion took place in Beth Rivkah seminary as part of our Tanya class. We explore the classic idea of Teshuva in contrast to the changes the Rebbe introduced to how we should do Teshuvah.

Shmues # 2. Joy II.

A powerful talk on the avoda of simcha (joy). Packed full of stories and lots of warm Yiddish atmosphere. The talk is in English but includes Yiddish phrases and words (98% translated so everyone can understand). This recording was made at a Malave Malka (post-Shabbos gathering) in 2007. If you miss a point or the…

Shmues # 1. Joy I.

This talk was given as a video conference for a group in the UK in 2007. Note: The sound in this audio file was amplified April 24 11AM. If it was too quiet for you in the past you may want to try downloading it again.

בסוכות תשבו ה’תש”ם.

This class discusses אמונה which us מקיף and how we affect התישבות in this מקיף as the פסוק says בסוכות תשבו.