
Ki Tisa 5711.

Class One. Emuna is discussed in this class. The Ma’amar explains that a Goy has Emuna only on the level of Mimalei Kol Almin. He explains that even on this level there is a difference between Knowledge and Emuna. By Yidden there are three levels of Emuna: 1) From Mimalei, (here also the Yid’s Emuna…

Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin (5778/ 2017).

Thoughts on the most recent series of Miracles. 1) Yerushalayim is announced as the capital and there is no real reaction in the world. 2) Family stays together even when things aren’t perfect. 3) When one goes through this kind of suffering comes out purged and pure.

Is life good but bad happens or is life bad where we try to survive? (5777/ 2017).

A blurb; we quote the RaMbaM from More Nivuchim section three chapter 12.

The Jewish people are a supernatural people. (5775/2015).

This little talk was a response to a question a student asked, it explores what it means that Jewish people are different, they are a nation of God, of miracles and even in Golus we live a different life.

How do we know that Torah is true. (5773/2013).

the non-answer that is the best answer of all.

Is the world a good place where bad things happen or a bad place where good things happen? Class One.

Is the world a good place where bad things happen or a bad place where good things happen? Class One. The world is a jungle (by itself) and G-d’s garden because of G-d’s involvement. The Even Ezra’s justified pessimism and the RaMbaM’s extra-ordinary optimism. Do bad things happen to good people? According to the RaMbaM…

Talk One (to the Shluchim) on Bitachon and Emunah.

Talk One to the Shluchim on Bitachon and Emunah.PDF Bitachon. Lizchus Refua Shlaima for Levi Deitch A”H. We live in God’s world and God is good so His world is good as well.

Shmues # 12 One lives when he learns to pause in life.

ופנה לסובב take a look around. An excerpt from a Siddur class about the powerful energy and the gentle precision needed to get through life. And that the bridge between them is the ability to pause and hesitate.

Shmues # 11 Action.

A religion of ritual. [A class on a Ma’amar that has a broader ramification] The class involved a Mashal amd a Nimshal. The Mashal: The idea that Yiddishkiet is (called) a religion of ritual. What bothers people about that and why is it right? The Nimshal: Although creation is based on divine concealment, but there…