
Shalom Bayis Shiur in S. Africa 2008

Part One. MP3 Part Two. MP3

What will be is happy what was is sad- why (5777/2017).

The Gemara says: אין והי’ אלא לשון שמחה and אין ויהי אלא לשון צער Why? Potential is infinite in it’s possibilities, what is actual even jn the best case scenario is limited. How the Rebbe looked at children.

G-d’s covenant with non-Jews (5777/2017).

He broke for because he didn’t want continuing hurting so many people.

Mysticism (5777/ 2016).

A thought, the craze and what is wrong with it.

Living as a Jew is harder than dying as one (5775/2014).

a novel (perhaps extreme) insight into why so many people are having so much trouble keeping their children frum is because we have yet to learn how live like Jews.

Hippies and infinity (5775/2014).

This thought, which was part of a Siddur class, asks the question, why do we fear infinity? and answers the question using the Hippies as a model. What is the alternative ti infinity if, in fact, infinity can be very dangerous.

Ta’amei HaMitzvos, a thought (5774/2014).

1) To improve character, 2) to elevate one’s thoughts and values, 3) Leshaim Yichud (Kabbalah).

Yom HaAtzmut, (5775/ 2015).

What is our issue with Zionism if we support the state? everything Jewish Must be religious.