The Rebbe. (5770). A three part series (given at the BESHT) – Class 3
The Rebbe Class Three.Cont. Class Two.
The Rebbe. (5770). A three part series (given at the BESHT) – Class 2
The Rebbe Class Two. Classes two and three explore some of the Rebbe’s unique hashkafa priorities. Theses classes (are of course not meant to be definitive. They do (however) provide some food for thought about some very important ideas and attitudes.
The Rebbe. (5770). A three part series (given at the BESHT) – Class 1
The Rebbe Class One. In the first class are some stories about the Rebbe’s early life.
Hayom Yom Biography of the Frierdiker Rebbe Rayatz – Class 5
Class Five. 1) (Machanei Yisroael and then ) 2) Merkaz LiInyanei Chinuch, 3) Kehas, Ho’tza’as Otzar HaChasidim, 4) establishing Yeshivos all over the Eastern Sea Board, 5) NiCho’aCh.
Hayom Yom Biography of the Frierdiker Rebbe Rayatz – Class 4
Class Four. 1) America, 2) Tomchei Tmimim, 3) New York and not Lakewood, 4) Machanei Yisroel.
Hayom Yom Biography of the Frierdiker Rebbe Rayatz – Class 3
Class Three. 1) The arrest, 2) liberation, 3) KastramA, 4) coming home, 5) Malachavka, 6) the decision to leave to leave Russia, 7) Tishrei 5688, 8) Riga, 9) Travels, deciding where to live, America, Israel etc., 10) Poland, 11) Utvutzk, 12) the war starts.
Hayom Yom Biography of the Frierdiker Rebbe Rayatz – Class 2
Class Two. 1) His Father passes away and his Nesius begins (in 5680), 2) His father’s Tzava’a, 3) the world changes and he adapts. 4) The incredible undertakings and success of his initial activities, 5) The private enterprise that allows people to keep Shabbos in Russia, 6) Agudas ChaBaD in America, 7) Moving to Leningrad,…
The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 11
11. Camp [Gan Yisroel]. Camp Gan Yisroel. Its vision, definition, and hope (prospects).
Hayom Yom Biography of the Frierdiker Rebbe Rayatz – Class 1
Class One. The biography of the Frierdike Rebbe until his Nesius. 1) His childhood, 2) Mishnayos Baal Peh, 3) the RaShabaTz, 4) his Arrest, 5) his Father’s Chinuch, 6) His 15th birthday and becoming a public servant, 7) going to meetings, 8) his wedding, 9) Tomchei Tmimim, 10) the Tzoris and how he was involved,…
The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 08b
8b. Tahalucha.This class was added in 5781 (2020).The idea of Chazaras Chassidus expanded to include (simply) walking along with the one who does the actual Chazara.This campaign was very near and ear to the Rebbe.He explained how important “serving Hashem (even) with the feet” is.He connected it to Moshiach.
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