ViYikchu Ailecha, Farbrengen for 3 Tamuz (5773/ 2013).
This Farbrengen revolves around the message of Perek 9-10 in ViAtta Titzave 5772.
Rosh Chodesh Tamuz (5777/ 2017).
The Previous Rebbe’s decision to spend to more days in the Shpalerke Prison so he shouldn’t travel Shabbos.
The fourth of July
A thought (5773/2013). 4th of July thought freedom and self reliance and servitude towards God, how can they be reconciled
Hayom Yom – 03 Tamuz
The Jewish sigh is spiritually very meaningful it doesn’t really matter what arouses it. Humility and admitting dependency upon G-d is very emancipating spiritually.
Hayom Yom – 02 Tamuz
The link between the Mitzvos between man and G-d and those between man and man is underscored in the recitation of הריני מקבל each day at the beginning of our prayer. Want attachedness with G-d? Be connected and don’t be separated from fellow Yid. Why is discussed a little, it has to do with humility…
Hayom Yom – 01 Tamuz
For a Bochur to know his place. They don’t come to a place to assimilate, but to be themselves and change the place to their level. Rebbe’s wedding where the Rebbe RaYaTz told this idea to the Bochurim. Letter about מדת ההשתוות.
(5777/ 2017) ואתה תצוה ה’תשמ”א בלתי מוגה
This one class encompasses the entire unedited version of this מאמר Four points: 1) ואתה תצוה in this case משה is the point: to strengthen אידישע אמונה and internalize it. 2) ויקחו אליך causing an עלי’ה in Moshe, who grows in humility as a result of this new relationship, with another (lower) generation. 3) כתית…
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