
Hayom Yom – 28 Tamuz

Hayom Yom 28 TamuzThe Rabbeiim had Ma’amarim that they said “just” to purify the “atmosphere”. The Rebbe RaYaTz’s letter about what is achieved by saying Chassidus even if the people don’t understand.

Hayom Yom – 26 Tamuz

PDF For Hayom Yom 26-28 Tamuz Hayom Yom 26 Tamuz.The difference between learning and Davening.Learning: getting (G-dliness) as one can get.Davening: surrendering to Him as He is beyond us.The example of Geula Shlaima vs Yetzias Mitzrayim.

Hayom Yom – 24 Tamuz

Hayom Yom 24 Tamuz, Class One.Asking for a Bracha for matters of Avoda is laziness.This idea is supported and challenged from stories and Sichos.There is a place for Brachos, but (perhaps the idea is) not to ask for them.

Hayom Yom – 23 Tamuz

Hayom Yom 23 Tamuz.The custom regarding what to read Shabbos Mincha, Monday, and Thursday mornings when Masei is separate from Mattos.About customs and the Rebbe.

Hayom Yom – 19 Tamuz

Hayom Yom 19 Tamuz Tefillas Haderech, is said every day that one is away from home. We discussed the idea of יראת שמים that is connected to attend to such details. On the day the trip starts, it is said with a Bracha and after that it is said without a Bracha, but NEAR a…

Hilchos Beis Habechira (5779/ 2019)

Hilchos Beis Habechira (5779/ 2019) Given at Beis Hamidrash Linashim Ubanos 770 Class One: Introduction and Perek 1 Halacha 1-4 The Beis Hamikdash is about peace and work (Tefilla; Korbanos.) All בתי מקדש are connected, they are all both a משכן and a מקדש (which is the two levels of שכינה and קדושה). Temporary, semi-permanent…

17 Tamuz כיון דאידחי אידחי

The Rebbe’s idea that there cannot be any contradictions in G-d’s Truth, so if Shabbos doesn’t let us fast, Hashem is saying don’t fast today, therefore רבי holds we shouldn’t fast at all.

33 דעו כי הוי’ הוא האלוקים ה’תשל”ט

דעו כי הוי’ הוא האלוקים התשל”ט This is a י”ב תמוז Ma’amar For the Rebbe RaYaTz beginning his hundredth year, when he would recite פרק ק in Tehillim. The point of the Ma’amar is to explain that we עמו וצאן הרעיתו were tasked to affect הוי’ הוא האלוקים in the world through work. The idea…

One class summary of Viata Tetzaveh (5779/ 2019)

ואתה תצוה ה’תשנ”ב The point of the מאמר is 1) לקשר ולחבר את ישראל עם אוא”ס and 2) לזון ולפרנס את ישראל בענין האמונה to which the Rebbe adds 3) לזון ולפרנס את האמונה עצמה. The form of the מאמר revolves around three different “משה רבינו”s 1) that gives דעת in good times 2) another…

Hayom Yom – 16 Tammuz

The Baal Shem Tov was a נסתר. He was forced to reveal himself. He was a באהעלפער for a מלמד and loved the children His brother in law ר’ גרשון קיטיווער.