

Explaining one of the Slichos we say on 17 TAMUZ.


The first siege of Jerusalem ended with the breaching of the walls on this date. We fast on the 17th as this was the day the walls were breached at the time of the destruction of the second Beis Hamikdash.

Se’u Yedeichem Kodesh 5747. (5772/2012).

The Zohar explains that two Havayos in one Possuk should be understood as two Havayos (DilAila and Diltata- higher and lower). Moreover as one grows they discover many levels of higher and lower Havayos and what is higher to one level is low to the level above itself etc. [Levels of infinity]. This Possuk Se’u…

Hodu LaHashem Ki Tov 5746.

Yerida Tzorech Aliya. The four categories that need to praise and submit to Hashem, how are they in spiritual and refined terms. A. Yehi Hashem Elokeinu Imanu 5746, Part One. (5772/2012). Based on the Frierdike Rebbe’s Maamar from 5685 (1925). The descent into Golus affects that the high become higher and the low lower. On…

Baruch HaGomel (2) 5745.

Class One. 1) The Neshama in a Guf is a Golus, 2) In this world in Galus is a double Galus, 3) the four that must say Gomel. That spiritually refers to a sinner doing Teshuva, is the ultimate Yerida, which brings the ultimate Aliya. This yerida is so low, and its potential Aliya so…

Yehi Hashem Elokeinu Imanu 5745.

The Ma’amar is based on the Sicha of 3 Tamuz 5687, Yehi Hashem Elokeinu Imanu, that is a Tefilla, though it begins with a Posuk. It discusses the order of the Kuntres 12 Tamuz observing that it begins with Galus comparing Yidden to grapes that do the best when removed from their roots. The Rebbe…

Boruch HaGomel (1) 5745.

This is the first of two maamarim based on this Bracha. The Rebbe RaYaTz said this maamar twice in 5687 also. The two maamarim complement one another and some ideas are explained at length in the first and abbreviated in the second and other aspects are developed more in the second. In this first Maamar…

Pada Bishalom 5744.

Class One. The Gemarah that links this Possuk to Torah, Avoda, and Gemilas Chasadim. The Rebbe links this to ‘the three pillars on which the world stands’. These three are affecting one’s 1) mind, 2) body, 3) world. The narrow world (the person) and the greater world. Yerida Tzorech Aliya of the Neshama, from a…