
שאו ידיכם קדש תשמ”ג

One of the Ma’amarim of the redemption of 12 Tamuz 5687. The issue is that hands are connected to action (the lowest thing) and holiness is the highest thing, how do these two come together. The Rebbe explains that the purpose is to do actions, hands, and raise them up to the levels of 1)…

ברוך הגמל לחייבין טובוח תשמ”ג

This Bracha is different than other ברכות הנס as it is also (primarily) about the spiritual Journey, this is the reason for the change of format etc. This struggle has four categories (the latter finer than the former) all connected to the Neshama coming down here.

עשרה שיובים ועוסקים בתורה ה’תשמ”ב 3

Class One. More on the advantage of Tefilla over Torah it is the real source of Bittul Of being an Eved. Class Two. Another point regarding Torah study, that in bringing light downward it is fulfilling the divine plan in creation and as such it reaches “Atzmus” Thus placing Torah in as much as it…

עשרה שיושבים ה’תשמ”ב 2

Class One. This class on this Ma’amar repeats and organizes the ideas that show the similarity between Davening and Learning with a Minyan. Class Two. This class focus on the asymmetry of Torah with a Tzibur and Tefilla with a Tzibbur. Davening is more important in terms in reaching up. Torah is more important in…

עשרה שיושבים ה’תשמ”ב 1

Based on the Previous Rebbe’s Ma’amar from 5688. Just as ten Jews are needed for a Minyan and the effect reveals the 13 attributes of Mercy, Similarly, when one learns with ten Jews it reveals the 13 attributes of the interpretations of Torah (Torah SheBa’al Peh)

הוי’ לי בעוזרי ה’תשמ”א.

Class One. This class has a lengthy introduction about Yud Bais Tamuz and the idea of Mesiras Nefesh. The part of the Ma’amar learned is the beginning and the end. The point is that the salvation of Dovid from his challenges and his receiving divine help depends on actually seeing his enemies as a challenge…

נתת ליריאך תשי”ב

Class One. Miracles, the process that brings them about, a higher order in the creation is in effect. Class Two. Tests that conceal so extremely reveal the same kind of light as the revealed miracle does!

נתת ליריאך תשי”א.

The difference between בירורים and נסיונות. Birurim correct both the person and the object one is dealing with. נסיונות are so deep a test from so deep an evil that the good within has become evil. Accordingly, the correction is in the person alone because the item being corrected has no reality as it is…

Asara Sheyoshvim 5688. (5771).

This Maamar was said and “given out” for the first anniversary of his release from the Soviet Prison in 5687.

19 Tamuz 5777/ 2017.

The Rebbe RaYaTz Bris; the end of the week long celebration of his Bar Mitzvah, the story with Rabbi Moshe Feller and the Farbrengen of 19 Tamuz 5728. The RaZa’s birthday.