
13 Tamuz 5777/ 2017

Why did the Previous Rebbe leave Russia, he clearly wouldn’t leave out of fear? 1) Chassidim made him. 2) It became clear to him that his presence hindered the work at that point. 3) He’d completed what it was that as a Rebbe needed to accomplish.

12 Tamuz 5777/ 2017

A thought on 12 Tamuz and Mesiras Nefesh.

The Letter. (5773/ 2013).

Dated 15 Sivan 5688 (1928) in anticipation of the first celebration of 12 Tamuz, when he was release from prison and exile one year earlier

A Talk/Farbrengen (5771).

Given to Neshei Chabad in Melbourne Australia. The story of Mesiras Nefesh. It wasn’t a joke then and its message is very serious right now.

Beis Midrash LiNashim UBanos 770 (5777/ 2017).

1) Everybody sees that this is living 2) Simcha 3) Action 4) Moshiach.

Farbrengen for 3 Tamuz 5777/ 2017, Springfield Ma. Talk one.

Springfield Ma. Talk one. This “official talk addresses the action theme of the Rebbe’s philosophy and some stories from the Rebbe’s early life.

Farbrengen 3 Tamuz 5776/ 2016 Class One

Part One. Yom HaGadol VihaKadosh Part Two. אמונה שיש לו סיבה ואמונה שאין לו סיבה Part Three The point of ואתה תצוה is ויקחו אליך.

Thought 5775/2015.

The day of two Rebbes. The first by Hashgacha the second by choice perhaps (?)

Farbrengen 5774/2014.

Rebbe Audio clip on the idea of after 20 years (from 5730). 1) After 20 years it never ends, it is raised higher than Sechel (reason) to the level of Mesiras Nefesh. 2) Viyikchu Ailecha in the beginning is like ‘Al m’nas likabel pras’, but at the end of the Ma’amar, the Viyikchu Ailecha is…

Twenty Years (5774/2014).

Twenty Years and going strong.