Tanya Lectures (19) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 20-21
Chapter 20-21 (half). ACHDUS HASHEM: introduction, 1) Faith 2) Knowledge of what G-D is 3) Understanding His unity [With the world (us)]. Various levels of unity; 1) Rambam, 2) Kabbala, 3) Chassidus- Highest unity- nothing actually exists outside of Him.
Tanya Lectures (18) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 17
Chapter 17. 1) The Possuk Ki Karov…bFicha (to learn and meditate) uviVovecha (be impassioned) LaAsoso (Thought Speech and Deed). 2) One can’t be a Beinoni unless he does Teshuva first; however Teshuva Tataa will suffice.
Tanya Lectures (17) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 15 18 19 25
Chapter 15 (end), 18, 19, 25. Third category of Beinoni: Working with “Ahava Misuteres”; hidden love for G-D hidden in the soul of every Yid. Harnessing that power (of self sacrifice) for one’s regular service of Hashem. Note: Lessons 17-23 explain the (Ahava Misuteres) Soul based (rather then the mind over heart) Beinoni.
Tanya Lectures (16) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 15-17
Chapter 15, 16, 17. second category of Beinoni: Avado through “Moach Shalit Al HaLev”, Mind (either) educating (or) dominating the heart. 1. Highest kind of Beinoni “Avoda Tamma”- full passions towards Hashem; 2. Kach Ya’asa, where the passions are not so manifest, but are enough to fight the Yetzer Hara.
Tanya Lectures (15) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 15
Chapter 15. First category of Beinoni: “Lo Avado”. A Beinoni who is either naturally good (dispassionate, studious, not materialistic) or who has developed habits that allow him to be a Beinoni without struggle.
Tanya Lectures (14) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 13-14
Chapters 13, 14. Answers to questions in beginning of Tanya. “Tehi Tzadik” means to try at the work of the Tzadik (whose life is defined by inspiration) but at least be a Beinoni.
Tanya Lectures (13) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 12
Chapter 12, 13. BEINONI. Mind rules the heart has fluctuations: sometimes inspired; sometimes barely surviving. The life of the poor man, Constantly struggling, but he stays alive. Never sins , but it’s almost never easy. Except during Davening, when even the Beinoni is inspired.
Tanya Lectures (12) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 11
Chapter 11. RASHA. Incomplete Rasha has an awareness and conscience about Yiddishkeit; The perfect Rasha does not.
Tanya Lectures (11) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 10
Chapter 10. TZADIK. Imperfect and perfect Tzadik. Imperfect Tzadik has personal (inner) struggle, Perfect Tzadik does not. Note: The next six lessons discuss Tzadik, Rasha and the (mind over heart) Beinoni.
Tanya Lectures (10) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 09
Chapter 9. WAR between G-Dly and Animal Souls. Each wants total victory. Mind vs. Heart.
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