Tanya Lectures (09) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 08
Interplay between the two souls: Man vs. Animal; Order vs. Infinity; Yosher vs. Igul; Gadlus vs. Katnus.
Tanya Lectures (08) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 07-08
Chapters 7,8. Klipas noga vs. severe Klipos. Where intent makes a difference and where it does not. Gehinom, Chibut hakever, Kaf Hakela.
Tanya Lectures (07) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 06
Chapter 6. Animal Soul, It’s Essence (NATURE that can’t be changed), Kochos (attributes), Garments (tools of expression).
Tanya Lectures (06) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 04-05
Chapters 4,5. Why a jew (who is G-Dliness) needs Judaism for his (revealed) connection to his Creator.
Tanya Lectures (05) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 02 03 04
Chapter 2,3,4. The soul’s structure: Essence (Wants what’s beyond, altruistic), Kochos (attributes), Garments (tools for expression).
Tanya Lectures (04) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 01
Chapter one (end). The Alter Rebbe introduces us to the two souls and forces in the world. G-Dly (ideal) and animal (subjective, selfish).
Tanya Lectures (02) – Likutei Amarim – Introduction
The Possuk on which the Tanya is based :Ki karov ailecha…biFicha uvilVovecha laAsoso. How is practical Yiddishkeit considered “near”? a context.
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