Letter 20 Class 4 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh
Action. Mitzvos are the main thing though in Hishtalshelus Torah is higher. Connection to Rosh Hashana and Kabalas Ol.
Letter 20 Class 3 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh
The answer: Two concepts explain how the “Koach HaAtzmus” [for Yeshus] manifest through Hishtalshelus: 1) Ohr MeAin HaMaor (the light not only reflects; but is also bottul to Atzmus) allowing it to carry(in a latent way) the Koach HaAtzmus (for Yeshus). 2) “Koach NeElam” of Malchus carries from Atzmus the Hidden (higher) possibility for separation….
Letter 20 Class 2 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh
The Question: In Hishtalshelus all are “Ayin”, so how can a “Koach HaAtzmus” be delivered to Asiya (Yesh) via Hishtalshelus? How can the Ayin give us Yeshus when the Ayin has no (and is antithetical) to Yesh? In this we explore 1) Illa vealul vs. Yesh Meayin, 2) Where Yesh begins in higher worlds and…
Letter 20 Class 1 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh
This classic essay of the Alter Rebbe written so close to his passing reveals an entirely new [ChaBaD] insight into the purpose and end of creation. One is never closer to G-d then he is down here in the physical world. The “Ego” [sense of self containment and independence] of this reality is rooted in…
Letter 19 Class 2 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh
Ruach HaKodesh is subliminal and within the person’s limits. The advantage of Ruach HaKOdesh over Nevuaa in studying Torah. Moshe received the Torah as the Achorayim [like Ruach HaKodesh (not Nevuaa)] of Chochma.
Letter 19 Class 1 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh
Nevua (prophecy) is all about people’s worthiness yet it overwhelms the Prophet. The juxtaposition of Nevua and Ruach HaKodesh (divine inspiration). We’ll continue in the next class.
Letter 18 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh
Love. There are various levels of love for Hashem. They all begin with a deep interest and commitment to this pursuit. Once that commitment exists there’s the human achieved love [that needs constant support and protection] and the love that is a divine gift and for Tzadikim alone.
Letter 17 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh
Reward now, in Gan Eden and Leasid Lavo [Techiyas HaMeisim].
Letter 16 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh
Giving Tzedaka when it’s hard even beyond what is required and expected. We could all use Hashem’s kindness.
Letter 15 Class 3 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh
This class further discusses the ten Kochos (faculties) but this time of the G-dly Soul. We explored the difference between the Intellectual and G-dly Souls. There are many additional ideas that the Alter Rebbe adds in discussing the G-dly Soul not mentioned earlier. Including a discussion on 1) Malchus, 2)_Da’as Elyon, 3) Midos that are…
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