
Letter 15 Class 2 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

The ten faculties (Kochos) of the Soul are discussed here, (in order to explain the Sefiros). We discussed first Chaba”d then Chaga”s, and finally Neh”i. (We allowed ourselves a change of order from the letter to ease its comprehension). We also mentioned Malchus (which is not discussed inside regarding the Intellectual Soul). The class explores…

Letter 15 Class 1 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

This class introduces the 15th of the Alter Rebbe’s letters. This letter is truly a classic and addresses the question of what are the ten S’firos (Attributes of G-Dliness discussed in Kabala). In this class we did the Alter Rebbe’s own introduction. He explains the use of metaphor and allegory in explaining metaphysical ideas. Kabbala…

Letter 14 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

The constant universal involvement of Hashem in everything is complemented by a special involvement in certain (favored) aspects of creation. This unique involvement exists in Time, Space, and Things. Eretz Yisroel (Israel) is such a place. Thus the time, space of the land and the land itself have a special involvement from Him. How one…

Letter 13 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

A higher concept of Shalom (peace) is when the peace comes from one’s own inner (potential) wholeness. This seperates Human Beings from (even) Angels. The message of this letter is that though each person has tendencies (a nature that seem to inhibit). As human beings (“In the Image of G-d”), we can overcome any limitation…

Letter 12 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

Shalom (peace) can happen when 1) There are two (or more) disparate components and 2) a higher light that brings unity into them. Torah and Tzedaka affect this peace. Tzedaka that is measured gets one a limited peace while giving with sacrifice will get us a higher peace.

Letter 11 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

Lihaskilcha Bina. A classic discussion of Bitachon (Trust). The message and power of this letter are striking. This class involves a long introduction on faith and trust.

Letter 10 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

This is a world of limitation. In a real way creation and Torah and Mitzvos are a celebration of the use of Gevura and Gevul (strength and limitation) to express (service to) Hashem. Teshuva incorporates infinity within these parameters.

Letter 09 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

Being spiritually connected means seeing no conflict between heaven and earth. This may be quite challenging but is the Truth of Yiddishkeit and Chassidus. When achieved, giving Tzedaka is part of our relationship with Hashem, not only with man. We then give quite differently.

Letter 08 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

Davening’s reward is to experience (see the ”Face” of) G-Dliness. The reward is disproportionate to the investment because when we Daven after giving Tzedaka we have planted seeds that produce much more than we invested. The idea that procreation (in nature) is considered (by the Torah) to be a miracle.

Letter 07 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

Adam is the model through which “G-Dliness” reaches the creation. The inner world (Torah, Mitzvos, and the Collective Yid) also conform to this mode. However in the inner sphere the “Adam” model isn’t for the sake of “Tzimtzum” but for the transmission of the “Essence” in a graspable form. Thus, each aspect of Torah and…