Letter 06 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh
TRUTH. Those who pursue it find it absolutely illusive; unless Hashem helps. Getting closer to Him involves the mind; but ultimately the mind becomes the obstacle. Getting past the mind and reaching out for divine assistance involves 1) developing a sense of mercy for one’s soul and 2) Reaching out to Him. The Alter Rebbe…
Letter 05 Part 2 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh
Creation is compared to speech. Thus speech reveals the secrets of the divine creation.The higher worlds reveal more of the divine idea while the lowest world reveals the power of the divine words themselves. Man has the duty of inspiring Hashem (so to speak) to maintain the Speech that is the creation. To accommodate the…
Letter 05 Part 1 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh
Speech- one of Hashem’s greatest gifts to humankind. This essay argues that the aspects of speech we take for granted are the deepest. Hashem gave them to us to use automatically because if we would need to focus on them it would make speech impossible.
Letter 04 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh
The heart has an Inner and Outer dimension. Both can be exiled and both can be redeemed through Tzedaka (Charity).
Letter 03 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh
Tzedaka accomplishes 3 things (according to Kabbala): 1) bringing light of Mimalei into vessel, 2) revealing sovev light (this requires special “garments”). 3) Brings the “Face” of Hashem forward (there is no garment for this).
Letter 02 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh
Katonti. Humility is closeness to G-d. This letter was written after the Alter Rebbe’s release from prison. His message to his Chassidim- accept the grace and kindness of G-d humbly.
Letter 01 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh
“Chosum Hamishapech”, what is higher in Hishtalshelus is lower in essence. Thus Bittul, Emuna and Halacha have a distinct advantage over higher ideas (Understanding, Learning Gemara). One must use all his faculties never the less.
Introduction to Letters Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh
Theses letters have various themes. among them 1) Tzedaka, 2) Davening, 3) Torah.
Lesson 9 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hateshuva
Chapters 11-12. The joy of Teshuva. This doesn’t contradict one’s need to be forever vigilant about those things one has been weak about in the past. The Rebbe’s unique idea about positiveness in teshuva in our times.
Lesson 8 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hateshuva
Chapter 10. Teshuva has two levels but one must go in order- Lower Teshuva leads to higher teshuva.
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