
Class 37, Perek 3, Class 7. Tanya (text based)

Bina cont. התבוננות (Class One). Emotions (אהבה ויראה) that come from the “father and mother” combination of Chochma and Bina. The idea of using the mind to arouse the heart. The רמב”ם בהלכות מלכים, about not being afraid on the war front by not thinking. This is the explanation found in Chassidus to explain the…

Class 36, Perek 3, Class 6. Tanya (text based)

Bina. Bina is everything Chochma is not. It analyzes and forfeits the light and pleasure of the “Flash of Chochma” for the sake of the credibility and discernment and clarity of Bina. Example from the Rebbe’s teaching a RaShI.

Class 35, Perek 3, Class 5 Tanya (text based)

Chochma. Two parts: 1) acknowledging one’s limit and surrendering to the unknown and transcendent. 2) This opens the person up to the enlightenment, intuition, or light, the flash of Chochma. But the two are based on the quality of the person and his prior preparedness as an intellectual.

Class 34, Perek 3, Class 4 Tanya (text based)

A thought on current events. Review. Mind and heart, objective vs. subjective. Mind closer to Soul, Heart closer to actions.

Class 33, Perek 3, Class 3 Tanya (text based)

The ten S’firos. The idea that the human form is a Mashal to understand the ten supernal S’firos based on the principal of מבשרי אחזה אלוק. Chassidus explains the משל to us as well, so we can understand the ten כחות הנפש precisely.

Class 10. שער בלאט 2 Tanya (text based)

פסוקים בפרשת נצבים על הסדר שמסיימים בפסוק כי קרוב וגו The sequence of Pesukim leading up to the פסוק כי קרוב אליך גו are describing higher levels of Avoda- that of various levels of Tzadikim, Thus all the לא’s: לא נפלאת ולא רחוקה לא בשמים ולא מעבר לים apply to some people but not to…

Class 09. 1 שער בלאט Tanya (text based)

A) The design of the front page of each קה”ת ספר. B) The middle of the page is the Alter Rebbe’s own words. C) The two parts of the original Tanya אחדות הוי’ ואהבת [נשמות] ישראל. The order in which they appear. D) “The long short way” and the two ways.

Class 08. הקדמה ד Tanya (text based)

Copyright. Different הסכמות and some stories. ר’ זושא ור’ ליב הכהן The hidden Tzadik “Carl”. The Alter Rebbe’s children publish a complete Tanya with 5 sections and explain what they are about. Haskama for that also.

Class 07. הקדמה ג Tanya (text based)

More on the Spirit that is the Tanya. The practical aspects that make the Tanya work. Truth and honesty. Mashpiim, not being alone in Avodah.

Class 06. הקדמה ב Tanya (text based)

The answer to the questions: [1) as a Rebbe he knows us from the inside and speaks Torah in a way that we can receive it 2)] He knows us and is writing the familiar and therefore will reach us in spite of all three issues raised above.