
Perek 7, Class 4 (78) Tanya (text based)

When one is involved in איסור which is עבירות their second solution is the idea of תשובה מאהבה רבה where the עבירה becomes a מצוה because the עבירה creates the Teshuva. Is תשובה מאהבה the same thing as תשובה עילעא.

Perek 7, class 3 (77) Tanya (text based)

Mutar things are redeemable, Assur things aren’t. There are two ways Issur is redeemed A. after Moshiach comes and Hashem removes the evil totally, like the idea of הכל חוזרין לעפרן רגע קודם התחי’ה. The Rebbe’s idea that this can be realized through ונפשי כעפר לכל תהי’ה

Perek 7, class 2 (76) Tanya (text based)

Klipas Noga goes down when one indulges with lust. The explanation of נבל ברשות התורה. Correction by using לשם שמים is like the קרבן עולה is returning to Hashem. The idea of מותר is untied and of אסור is tied down.

Perek 7, class 1 (75) Tanya (text based)

Klipas Noga, is Klipa, but is closer to Kedusha and is affected by כונה (intent), in contrast to קליפות טמאות ורעות that are evil no matter how lofty the כונה. There are three possibilities with קליפת נוגה A. It can remain גוגה if there is neither a good nor a bad כונה B. It can…

Perek 6, Class 8 Perek 7, Class 1 (74). Tanya (text based)

End of Perek 6, Beginning of Perek 7. The beginning of all קליפה is ראשית גויים עמלק, but that is complicated by garments of complexity and “good”. In Asiya there are these two lowest levels: 1) The severe (altogether) evil Klipos that are three: רוח סערה wind, ענן גדול great cloud, אש מתלקחת fire. Two…

Perek 6, Class 7 (73). Tanya (text based)

Klipa (continued). From fine to gross. The story of the Mitteler Rebbe, the name of קליפה may change but he is the same thing. 1) נחש הקדמוני and 2) מלאך המות and 3) יצר הרע and 4) שטן and 5) יש and 6) הרגש היש are really all the same thing. The idea of נסיונות…

Perek 6, Class 6 (72). Tanya (text based)

Klipa exists in every world, from the lowest to the highest. On higher levels it is as fine as simply being aware of itself ראומה or מורגש. On lower levels it can have no awareness of anything but self and be against Hashem. In general there are two levels: קליפת נוגה and קליפות טמאות ורעות…

Perek 6, Class 5 (71). Tanya (text based)

The Tanya teaches תורה בשמים where there is no neutral, if it’s not קדושה (which means ביטול) it is the סטרא אחרא (which lacks ביטול). Yidden are called ביטול בכח. What does that mean?

Perek 6, Class 4 (70). Tanya, perek Vov

A) After discussing עצם and כחות of נפש הבהמית we now discussed B) לבושים. Introducing the idea of two Torahs: in heaven and on earth. The heavenly Torah has no neutral, if it’s not holy it’s anti-holy, and the chosen allusion to make this point is the term טומאה. Three ideas חיוב ,איסור ,רשות, how…

Perek 6, Class 3 (69) Tanya (text based)

This class adds to the discussion last week about the נפש הבהמית having שבע מדות רעות ושכל במולידן how that removes all possibility for objectivity. The Rebbe’s Sicha on the משנה חביב אדם שנברא בצלם וכו and the role the נפש השכלית plays especially for a non-Jew and by extension to the נפש הבהמית.