
Toras Menachem – Rosh HaShana and Tishrei 5713 (03-1) – Sicha to the Board of Tomche Temimim (01)

Class Three-One . Introduction to the famous Sicha about what T’shuva Tefilla and Tzedaka mean in Yiddishkiet. Page 16-17.

12. Pada BiShalom 5737 (3rd of three part Hemshech about Pada Bisahlom).

Pada BiShalom 5737 (3rd of three part Hemshech about Pada Bishalom), Class One.This Ma’amar seems to be a repeat of the Ma’amar of Shabbos (19 Kislev) before it, Katonti.The ideas of war and peace (Dovid, Shlomo, Moshiach) are discussed; as well as the ideas of Avoda (Iskafia, Ishapcha, NaRaN, Chaya and Yechida) are also repeated.And…

11. Katonti 5737 (2nd of three part Hemshech about Pada BiShalom)

Katonti 5737 (2nd of three part Hemshech about Pada BiShalom) Class One.Introduction to Maamar Katonti with transition from Pada BiShalom and explanation regarding the background of the Katonti Maamar.This class covers a very small part of this (rather long) Ma’amar; including only the very beginning and the very end. There are various levels of Shalom…

07 Vayehi Achar (the Akeida), (Machon Chana) Class 2

Vayehi Achar (the Akeida), Class Two.WEDNESDAY 4 KISLEV 5775/ NOVEMBER 26 2014Vayehi Achar Class Two. There are many reasons to say VaYehi Achar and though the idea has been around since the Zohar, it was not said until the last few hundred years or so. This class explores why it has been recently incorporated into…

Kaddish 50 meaning of Amain

קדיש Class Fifty: What is the meaning of the word Amain? אמת אומונה Truth and faith, affirmation, א-ל מלך נאמן, Truth in an absolute way. In good times: Truth; in poor times: faith. נאמנות Loyalty, human אמת.

Kaddish 51 meaning of Amain

קדיש Class Fifty One: Why answering Amain is greater than saying the Bracha גדול העונה אמן יותר מן המברך. Amain is 91 הוי’ אדנ”י. אמן next letter בנ”ס אמן is bringing G-dliness from the highest to the lowest levels.

Kaddish 48 עושה שלום במרומיו

קדיש Class Forty Eight. There are two levels of peace: In a Holy environment and outside the Holy Environment. This is the difference between the peace in יהא שלמא רבה and the peace in עושה שלום במרומיו. This is explained with the RaMaK’s explaining the way we bow by עושה שלום, first left, and then…

Kaddish 49 עושה שלום במרומיו

קדיש Class Forty Nine. To explain the two levels of peace, we prefaced what, and why, is Atzilus, a place (of מ”ה,) where the peace (G-dliness) already exists, and that world becomes the basis for the peace in the lowest worlds. The two worlds (or: possible Atzilus), Tohu and Tikun. עושה שלום במרומיו peace in…

03. Yehi Ratzon… before Korban Tamid (recited each morning, if Tachanun is said) (Machon Chana) Class 3

מצות עשה. יהי רצון… תמיד Class Three. In this (short) class we explore the text of this prayer (to the prayer of קרבנות), It is about compensating for a lack. After Moshiach comes it will be said but on a much higher level.

03. Yehi Ratzon… before Korban Tamid (recited each morning, if Tachanun is said) (Machon Chana) Class 2

יהי רצון… תמיד Class Two. Class 09 Wednesday 4 Teves 5776/ December 16 2015.This class addresses the three words מחילה, כפרה, סליחה. The many opinions about how to align these three ideas with the three levels of sin: חטא, עון, פשע becomes very confusing. In our נוסח אדמו”ר הזקן he aligns חטא with מחילה, and…