
Kaddish 01 Wednesday 25 Kislev 5718/ December 13 2017

קדיש Class One. Five types of Kaddish. Source of Kaddish- unclear. Ladder from world to world.

02. Wednesday 18 Kislev 5778, December 06 2017, Class Two.

יהי רצון… שיבנה בית המקדש… במהרה בימינו ותן חלקינו בתורתיך Class Two. When we finish קרבנות, we ask for the two things that were missing in this recitation of words (ונשלמה פרים שפתינו). That is that the קרבנות should be physical and actual. This is alluded to in the words במהרה בימינו in time, (חיי…

01. Wednesday 11 Kislev 5778, November 29 2017, Class One.

יהי רצון… שיבנה בית המקדש Class One. The three reasons this is said here: 1) As a prelude to Kadish (like the usual recitation of רבי חנניא בן עקשיא) but the Alter Rebbe says that here it is OK to bring a לימוד with no פסוק which needs to be understood. 2) As a culmination…

09. Wednesday 4 Kislev 5778, November 22 2017, Class Nine.

ר’ ישמעאל אומר Class Nine. This class discusses the idea of the 13 Middos of learning Torah and how they are related (or not related) to the 13 Middos of Mercy that we daven with. The RaMaK and the AriZal both explain this case of 13 Middos on a level of השתלשלות. The first to…

08. Wednesday 26 MarCheshvan 5778, November 15 2017, Class Eight.

ר’ ישמעאל אומר Class Eight. תולעת יעקב continued (5). דבר הלמד מענינו to be a Jew in the world G-d places you in. דבר הלמד מסופו the end is Teshuva which justifies all of the ירידות. The מגיד ממעזריטש interprets דבר הלמד מענינו as the work of צדיקים. Perhaps this is his perspective. וכן שני…

07. Wednesday 19 MarCheshvan 5778, November 08 2017, Class Seven.

ר’ ישמעאל אומר Class Seven. תולעת יעקב continued (4). In this class מדות numbered 8-11. יצא ממנו as Torah departs from the world of light and enlightenment it is challenged and must be preserved although it is outside the

06. Wednesday 12 MarCheshvan 5778, November 01 2017, Class Six.

ר’ ישמעאל אומר Class Six. תולעת יעקב continued (3). We re-reviewed and explained the first seven מדות. Including the revealing and the lowering of אלקות through אצילות which is inspired but has reason and emotion at the same time.

05. Wednesday 5 MarCheshvan 5778, October 25 2017, Class Five.

ר’ ישמעאל אומר Class Five. תולעת יעקב continued (2). This class is really a reintroduction of the תולעת יעקב. We explore the levels of above אצילות; and אצילות and what follows יצא ממנו in the lower worlds. The last two מדות are about the purpose for which all (למעלה מאצילות, אצילות ובי”ע) was created.

04. Wednesday 28 Tishrei 5778, October 18 2017, Class Four.

ר’ ישמעאל אומר Class Four. תולעת יעקב Introduction. First four Middos explained על פי סוד. The first two are above the worlds and deal with Knowing G-dliness and knowing that we don’t know and therefore all is equal as far as we are concerned- גזירה שוה. The third and fourth are about Atzilus. מבנין אב…

03. Wednesday 7 Tishrei 5778, September 27 2017, Class Three.

ר’ ישמעאל אומר Class Three. The remaining six of the 13 מדות שהתורה נדרשת בהם from the אבודרהם.