
01. Parshas Hatomid Short Version (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021), Class One

01. Parshas Hatomid Short Version (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021), Class One.1) A day of creation (night first) and a day of Avoda (day first).2) Ma’amados, the Yisroel’s contribution. 3) אדם כי יקריב מכם the sacrifice of self.4) Korbanos after Moshiach כמצות רצוניך.

Terumas (and) Hotza’as HaDeshen (Yeshiva Class One)

Terumas Hadeshen, Short (Yeshiva) version (5781/ 2020), Class One.This class is an excellent example of how Chassidus sheds light, meaning, and personal application to Jewish practices from the Temple period that can be difficult to relate to in the modern context.Ash (sadness) the good type (Koved Rosh before Tefilla) and the bad type (Atzvus, is…

01. Introduction to Korbanos (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)

Introduction to Korbanos (short Yeshiva version 5781/2021).This class given in Yeshiva Achei Temimim on Sunday 5 [Chamisha Bi]Teves 5781 has a significant introduction about Chamisha BiTeves; the Siddur part of the class introduces Korbanos and connects them to Asiya (Hioda’a) and action.

06. “Ribono Shel Olom” after Vayehi Achar -the Akeida (Machon Chana (5775/ 2015)) Class Six.

06. “Ribono Shel Olom” after Vayehi Achar -the Akeida (Machon Chana (5775/ 2015)) Class Six.15 WEDNESDAY 6 ADAR 5775/ FEBRUARY 25 2015. 6) The thirteen attributes of Mercy, measure, and Ain Sof. 7) Moshiach, the idea that the ‘face’ is revealed in light as well.

01. Elokeinu VeElokai Avosainu (before Vayehi Achar) Machon Chana, Wednesday 19 MarCheshvan 5775/ November 12 2014.

Elokeinu VeElokai Avosainu (before Vayehi Achar) Machon Chana Wednesday 19 MarCheshvan 5775/ November 12 2014.The Akaida is said everyday. For various reasons, before and after, we say a Prayer that comes from the Rosh Hashana Davening! The prayer before is amended (from the Rosh Hashana version) to underscore the theme of living as a Jew…

01. HaRaini Mikabel (Class One) Machon Chana 5774

HaRaini Mikabel (Class One) Machon Chana 5774 Wednesday 15 Elul 5774, September 10 2014.This class discusses the line the Arizal added to the Siddur to be said at the very outset of the davening, that the Rebbe popularized. We explore three levels of this: 1) For Chaveirim, 2) For all Jews so the Tefila (korbon)…

Introduction: Hoda’a- Asiya: Davening is a four rungged ladder, until Boruch Sheumar is Asiya (Machon Chana)

Introduction: Hoda’a- Asiya: Davening is a four rungged ladder, until Boruch Sheumar is Assiya (Machon Chana)Wednesday 8 Elul 5774, September 3 2014.Introduction. This class introduces a new year and explains at least basically the stage of Davening called Hoda’a.

Ailu Devarim (Birchas HaTorah) Flatbush, NY. Monday, 5 Kislev 5773, November 19 2012.

Ailu Devarim (Birchas HaTorah) Monday, 5 Kislev 5773, November 19 2012.Ailu Divurim, is said in conjunction with Birchas haTorah according to most opinions. This class brings some of the variety as to where and when this Mishna (and Braisa) are recited. It also attempts to explain how the many ideas in the two parts of…

03. Third Bracha of the Birchas HaTorah, ; Wednesday 13 Sivan 5714/ June 11 2014.

03. Third Bracha of Birchas HaTorah, Asher Bachar Banu: This Bracha corresponds to Torah SheBiksav, the Godliness of the Torah has to do with the Godliness of the Jewish people. The reason for the order is, (Reb Laivik) first Pnimi, then Makif (arvus) and then Makif of the Makif (arvus for Arvus).