Kapital 107. (5768).
Short Version. Long Version. Class One. Introduction. Yodu LaHashem Chasdo viNifliosuv liVnei Adam. (We must thank Hashem for all His kindness and miracles He does to man). Long Version. Class Two. First three Posukim. Long Version. Class Three. Midbar (desert) What it means spiritually. Long Version. Class Four. Beis HaAsuri (prison) in the spiritual sense….
Kapital 106. (5767).
Short Version. Long Version. Class One. “Mi Yimalel Givurod Hashem” (“Who can speak the strength of Hashem”). Long Version. Class Two. “Ashrei Shomrei Mishpat….Zochreini….Vayigar biYam Suf….” Long Version. Class Three. 1) Korach, 2) Kivros Hata’ava, 3) Miraglim, 4) Eiegel. Long Version. Class Four. 1) Miraglim, 2) Mei Miriva, 3) Mishandling (entry into) Kina’an, 4) Hashems…
Kapital 105. (5766).
Short Version. Long Version. Class One. Introduction. Long Version. Class Two. Introduction continued. Three ideas of klipa into Kedusha. Pnimiyus. Long Version. Class Three. Beginning of Kapital. Long Version. Class Four. rest of Kapital.
Sicha – Silence during Prayer (09)
Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 p 192 ff The Davening when Moshiach comes will be 1) total bittul, 2) which will take over the form of the body (also) and allow for Davening to be out loud. Page 197.
Sicha – Silence during Prayer (08)
Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 p 192 ff Why when Moshiach comes will Davening be out loud even according to Nigla DiTorah. To have Bittul in all aspects of the person. Page 196-7.
Sicha – Silence during Prayer (07)
Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 p 192 ff Back to the Zohar that holds that Davening should be (in effect) silent altogether, because in Atzilus, that is all that Davening is: Connecting to Hashem. Page 195-6.
Sicha – Silence during Prayer (06)
Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 p 192 ff The third opinion, the Bais Yosaif: Davening is primarily about Kavana. A summary (and review in the text) of the three opinions about why we whisper in Davening. Page 195.
Sicha – Silence during Prayer (05)
Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 p 192 ff Three different reasons for why to Daven silently: 1) To show faith in Hashem (He can hear even a whisper) 2) Out of fear and respect one can simply not raise his voice. 3) To facilitate a deep kavana requires quiescence. Page 194-5.
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