Ki Seitzei Lamilchama 5731.
The Milchama for us is Tefila. Each word in this Possuk and their apparent questions reflect the war of spiritual growth and ascent perfectly.
Introduction to Elul – Mini Shiur #1
An inspirational nugget to set the tone for Rosh Chodesh Elul. The mini shiur discusses the Chassidus of a key pasuk from “L’David Hashem Ori” that gives insight into the potential of this special time of year.¹ 1. “L’David Hashem Ori” is an extra tehilla (psalm) that is added to the order of davening (prayers)…
Selichos Preparation – 2006
This class, given at the Beis Rivka High School for Girls in Brooklyn, is a great inspiration for selichos preparation for everyone at any age.
L’David Hashem Ori – Special Tehilla for Elul
An in-depth analysis of L’David Hashem Ori (By David: Hashem is My Light and My Salvation) the special tehilla (psalm) that is added to the daily prayers beginning in the month of Elul and continuing until Hoshana Rabba. Kapitel (Psalm) 27 is recited during the daily prayers from the first day of Rosh Chodesh Elul…
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