
01. Brachos on Tzitzis

01. Brachos on TzitzisTwo Brachos,Al Mitzvas Tzitzis vs LiHisatef BaTzitzi.One talks of having them on, the other of wrapping ourselves in them.The connection to ברכי נפשי and מה יקר

After Birchas HaTorah (short class, Yeshiva 5780)

After Birchas HaTorah (short class, Yeshiva 5780)Three parts of Torah follow Birchas HaTorah:1) Pesukim, Birchas Kohanim (number (60) most distinctive2) Mishna- no Shiur, but really there IS a limit it’s just not hard and fixed.3) Braisa- Schar- truly infinite

21.2 The Three Brachos of Birchas HaTorah (short class, Yeshiva 5780)

The Three Brachos of Birchas HaTorah (short class, Yeshiva 5780)על דברי תורה It’s a constant Mitzvah.המלמד תורה לעמו ישראל Hashem is a Melamed.נתן לנו… נותן התורה with the Torah He gives Himself.

Kapital 119 (5780/ 2020)

Short Version Introduction:Farbrengen Short Version Part One: Six words: 1) Derech 2) Torah 3) Aidus, 4) Pikudim, 5) Chukim, 6) Mitzvos Short Version Part Two: Last six words: 7) Mishpatim, 8) Tzedaka, 9) Devarim, 10) Amiros, 11) Orach, 12) Niflaos Kapital 119 (5780/ 2020) Class One.176 Pesukim, longest Parsha (Nasso) longest Kapital Tehillim (119) and…

02. Hodu (Machon Chana) Classes 06-13, (Beginning; Inside) Pesukim 1-15

הודו להוי’ קראו בשמו Class Six. This class starts with a review of the choices about הודו. The version we follow that it is before ברוך שאמר, makes it about the ארון (=Torah) and קרבנות (=Prayer), higher but perhaps less understood. Then we learned the first Possuk: הודו להוי’ה. It is Hoda’a but at least…

04-05. Asher Yatzar and Elokai Neshama (5780/ 2019) Yeshiva

Asher Yatzar and Elokai Neshama These two Brachos are a pair: Guf and Neshama. A brief overview of these two Brachos and their interface.

Tefilla (5780/ 2019)

Tefilla. The basic idea of Prayer is a Mitzvah (one of the 613.) The idea of Davening quietly was introduced by Chana. The text of Prayer begins with the אנשי כנסת הגדולה (the members of the great assembly) who did it because language was becoming adulterated and people no longer spoke clearly and precisely. What…

Slichos Thoughts and overview (5779/ 2019)

Slichos Thoughts and overview (5779/ 2019) Three Parts: 1) Introduction and entry 2) The Selichos are all about the 13 Middos of Rachamim 3) The Techinos at the end: The Nussach is not strictly Chabad, it is Russian. We explored some paragraphs individually: 1) Lecha Hashem Hatzedaka 2) Zechor Rachamecha… 3) Vayomer Dovid EL Gad…

01. Hodu (Machon Chana) Classes 01-05 (introduction)

הודו להוי’ קראו בשמו Class One. Beginning of the Davening with a Minyan according to our custom. Half of Hodu is from one place (דברי הימים א’ ט”ז ח’ ואילך), the other half is from various Pesukim in Tehillim. The first half also is found almost identically in Tehillim 105. Hard to know when it…

Kaddish 47

קדיש Class Forty Seven. Continued from class 46. The Shalom here is culminating the Davening or Learning. Chayim Tovim means life rooted in (absolute) goodness.