Kaddish 37
קדיש Class Thirty Seven. Introduction to the idea of צלותהון ובעותהון to בחרבי ובקשתי In Avoda this still means מלחמה- the war of prayer. Three ideas A) sword war בירורים, נהמא אפום חרבא ליכול B) sword of peace תפילה, שעת צלותא שעת קרבא C) peace שלום, תורה the war of prayer is with ourselves to…
Kaddish 36
קדיש Class Thirty Six. Tefilla, Kaddish Tiskabel (3) 1) we pray for ourselves, singled out, or only as part of the group 2) Tiskabel our prayers on high, included in G-dliness beyond our reach [example: Avrohom reached שלימות מין הנבראים and he was given what was beyond that]. Introduction to the idea of צלותהון ובעותהון…
Kaddish 35
קדיש Class Thirty Five Explaining the word תתקבל, the idea that He accepts our prayers (that is enough in itself). The idea that prayers are like bricks, (man-made words) and they need further fixing from מלאכים. This is the idea that He accepts our Tefilos.
Kaddish 34
קדיש Class Thirty Four After a review of earlier ideas, we explore this passage in general. Two versions: 1) Rambam: we pray for ourselves first, and then for the entire world. This makes sense for someone who “deserves” divine kindness. 2) Our version: we include ourselves with everyone because we don’t feel worthy. A brief explanation…
Kaddish 33
קדיש Class Thirty Three. This class was about the words מן קדם אבוהון דבשמייא as opposed to מן מארי שמייא וארעא. There are two differences: אבוהון vs. מארי father is אצילות and master is בי”ע, so in our נוסח we see ourselves as being raised up by our זכותים to the place where He is…
Kaddish 32
קדיש Class Thirty Two. This class explains the last (lowest) three levels: חיין אריכין long life means a certain quality of life which has to do with acceptance and using every minute. This can also be a כלי for an enlightenment (יה”א). מזונא רוויחי Abundant Parnassa also isn’t (only) about how much one has but…
Kaddish 31
קדיש Class Thirty One. This class explains the first four levels (from higher to lower). שלמא רבה a perfect person has inner peace. חינא a less than perfect person, but one who has done much work on himself may not have peace, but he has חן, a grace and charm which make his good even…
Kaddish 30 Wednesday 10 Teves 5779/ December 19 2018.
קדיש Class Thirty. יהא להון ולכון continued. There is the “light from above” which is called “יהא”; and there is the vessel for this light which is us “יהון ולכון”; and then there is the glue that brings the two together. This glue is like the טהרה that prepares a Yid for the light of…
Kaddish 29 Wednesday 3 Teves 5779/ December 12 2018.
קדיש Class Twenty Nine. This class begins explaining יהא להון ולכון וכו’ ואמרו אמן. יה”א= the highest light כח”ב which we pray should rest on the מרכבה which is the ישראל רבנן etc. discussed above. And the glue to bring יה”א (or כח”ב) together with ישראל רבנן etc. are the מדות described שלמא רבה etc….
Kaddish 28
קדיש Class Twenty Eight 2) The RaMbaM does not have the words על ישראל or the words ועל כל מאן… We suggested the reason why; that it is because his Golus wasn’t so dark. 3) The Frierdike Rebbe explains על ישראל altogether differently. There are three levels 1) יחיד and 2) ציבור and 3) רבים….
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