
Kaddish 27 Wednesday 13 Kislev 5779/ November 21 2018.

קדיש Class Twenty Seven. The conclusion of the first half of על ישראל. One) After explaining על ישראל… רבנן… תלמידיהון… תלמידי תלמידיהון we go on to explain ועל כל מאן דעסקין באורייתא. This alludes to the light (enlightenment) that emerges from the Torah of darkness (as it is explained in the Samach Vov).

Kaddish 26 Wednesday 29 Marcheshvan 5779/ November 7 2018.

קדיש Class Twenty Six. In this class we finally got to the wording of על ישראל itself. Introduction: three levels: 1) The Luchos were כולו פנים and 2) The Sefer Torah is פנים ואחור and 3) Torah Sheba’al Peh is על ישראל .כולו אחור the G-dly light behind the wisdom of the Torah (תפארת) ועל…

Kaddish 25

Class Twenty Five Beginning to read על ישראל. The commentaries expose the meaning of all the detail. For example, the five allusions to Torah Scholars: ישראל, רבנן, תלמידיהון, תלמידי תלמידיהון, כל מאן דעסקין באורייתא It all has meaning. Why a special Kaddish for Talmidei Chachomim. Three generations creates an unbreakable knot.

Kaddish 24 Wednesday 15 Marcheshvan 5779/ October 24 2018.

קדיש Class Twenty Four. Reading again inside the first half of Kaddish reviewing what we discussed last year briefly.

Kaddish 23 Wednesday 3 Tishrei 5779/ September 12 2018.

קדיש Class Twenty Three. Review of what we learned last year about the history and spirit of Kaddish. From the outside in, from the prayer of the simple people to the prayer of holiest people, said at every opportunity.

Kaddish 22 Wednesday 30 Sivan 5778/ June 13 2018.

קדיש Class Twenty Two. יתברך וישתבח וכו’ שמי’ דקודשא בריך הוא לעילא מן כל ברכתא וכו’ ונחמתא וכו’ ואמרו אמן (Class 2). A) שמי’ דקודשא בריך הוא what is the difference between our custom to respond with אמן and the other custom to respond with בריך הוא. In our custom Hashem’s name is שמי’ דקודשא…

Kaddish 21 Wednesday 23 Sivan 5778/ June 6 2018.

קדיש Class Twenty One. יתברך וישתבח וכו’ שמי’ דקודשא בריך הוא לעילא מן כל ברכתא וכו’ ונחמתא וכו’ ואמרו אמן (Class 1). The second half of Kaddish is the people’s response to the חזן’s recitation of יתגדל ויתקדש etc. We respond with יהא שמי’ רבה and we continue יתברך etc. until the end of חצי…

The idea of Slichos (5778/ 2018).

A discussion on the text and basic meaning on the pre-Rosh Hashana Slichos. He wraps Himself in a Talis and says the 13 Middos.

Kaddish 20 Wednesday 16 Sivan 5778/ May 30 2018.

קדיש Class Twenty. ד’ אותיות הוי’, מילוי ומילוי דמילוי equals 28. The idea of מילוי is discussed at length. It is lower but with a higher source. Explanation: real learning is in the discernment. The more detailed and precise one is, the truer they are, and they reveal a less dramatic, but deeper truth, than…

Kaddish 19 Wednesday 9 Sivan 5778/ May 23 2018.

קדיש Class Nineteen. The idea that in קדיש and in the פסוק בראשית ברא and in the פסוק וידבר אלוקים את כל הדברים האלה לאמור there are 7 words and 28 letters. עשרה עשרה הכף joining together מעשה בראשית with תורה. There are two things in creation: 1) Hashem created a world. 2) He chose…