Toras Menachem – Re’ei – Mvorchim Elul 5720 (02)
Class Two:In the second class, further qualities of sin and ongoing personal choice are discussed. “There is a sin and there is a sinner” – what is the difference? The sins that we do, we tend to repeat – they become bad habits and we lose control. This class gives a theoretical but easy to…
Toras Menachem – Nitzovim / Vayelech – Erev Rosh Hashana 5719 to 5720 (04)
Class Four: Introduction for 23 Elul, Yahrtzait of the Rebbe’s Mother’s father Reb Meir Shlomo (story Lihaskilcha Binah). Sicha Two: Short thought on Atem Nitzavim Klal Prat and Klal Sicha Three: Introduction (about Bitachon to) to Teshuva Illaa and Teshuva Tataa,
Teshuva Classes 4-6
TESHUVA CLASS FOUR – Ma’amar from The Alter Rebbe in Likutei Torah on Balak – is a classic ma’amar of teshuva. The second Teshuva is ila’a. It’s called עשה טוב to create (Yesod) a connection to the Ein Sof. This Teshuva heals the past.Class Length (31:19) TESHUVA CLASS FIVE Text: Likutei Torah Ma Tovu Chapter…
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