Balance (healthy) vs. Compensator (invalid) , like the Tzadik and the Ba’al Teshuva. (5774/2013).
The invalid is disqualified from working in the Beis haMikdash, why?! Because he is not about balance but compensation, and and the Beis HaMikdash is all about balance. The advantage of the ‘Compensator’ also known as the Baal Teshuva.
An important conversation (5777/2016).
This discussion took place in Beth Rivkah seminary as part of our Tanya class. We explore the classic idea of Teshuva in contrast to the changes the Rebbe introduced to how we should do Teshuvah.
מה טובו ה’תשמא.
Class One. In this class the מאמר establishes the idea that each and every פסוק in פרשת בלק is about תשובה. Since the story of בלק and בלעם is about the transforming a curse into a blessing, so too the lesson of the Parsha is in תשובה. Class Two. There are four levels of תשובה,…
Rabi Omer 5744.
Rabi, who wrote the Mishna as a reaction to Golus teaches, that when one can choose he should choose Derech Havaya, order and not disorder, even if the disorder is infinite and the order is finite. The two examples of infinite are 1) Teshuva, but this involves sin, no one is allowed to sin (even)…
Lihavin Inyan Para Aduma 5745.
Para Aduma is t’shuva, this means being very far and elevating the very low, and in this way reaching higher than high. Every aspect of Para Aduma reflects this. 1) Done out of the camp, 2) Represents the four galuyos, [3) Done by the Sgan Kohein, 4) Has no allusions as Kidusha, only as Tahara,]…
Sicha – Iyar (02)
Likutei Sichos – Vol 32 p 72 ff Nedarim (vows) and Teshuva. The second class delves into the question of deep and complete healing in detail. Including an interesting discussion of Nedarim (vows) and their relationship to Teshuva and health
Sicha – Purim – Hidden (07)
Likutei Sichos Vol 5 pp 189 ff You can not Withdraw From An Empty Account. The class focuses on how important spiritual health is even when we are not the least bit aware of it. The section of the sicha discussed includes a moving analogy regarding the state of our accounts with Hashem (G-d). The…
Sicha – Purim – Hidden (06)
Likutei Sichos Vol 5 pp189 ff An Inner Need for Teshuva. This class takes us into the choice of Mordechai and Esther To do teshuva personally (to repent) and to urge the Jewish people to Teshuva as a strategy to overcome the evil decree. The sicha then addresses how the behavior of the jews of…
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