Toras Menachem – Shavous 5714 (03) – Fifth Sicha
Page 37-8. The holy Ba’al Shem Tov taught that a person is where his will is, and the Alter Rebbe added that this is BiPnimiyus and it lasts even after one stops thinking about being there. Tshuva.
Toras Menachem – K’doshim 5714 (04) – Sicha Five (01)
Page 245-8. The Tzadik must also have the advantage of T’shuva, it motivates growth in an infinite way.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 198 ff – The Brothers debate in front of Yosef
Miketz The Tribes (42) Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 198 ff The brothers finally stand in front of Yosef, and debate… Teshuva!
Vshavti BiShalom 5747.
Teshuva, means returning to Hashem what He anticipated and created. Teshuva is [1) Poel vs. Koach, 2)] Bli Medida vs. Medida. Musafin. This spells itself in the Pisukim ViShavti BiShalom…
להבין ענין שמחת תורה ה’תשמ”ב.
Class One. Tishrei is a Teshuva event and therefore the process begins בכסה ליום חגינו which means that the highest revelation is hidden initially and only revealed afterwards. On Shmini Atzeres the effect of the Teshuva is implanted and takes root, to grow throughout the year. This is special for the Jewish People. The difference…
ביום השמיני שלח את העם ה’תשמ”א.
Class One. This class explains two ideas in Teshuva (that are to a great extent opposites): 1) Actualizing the nature of the נשמה. This itself has two aspects: A. It’s nature to reunite with it’s Source (Hashem) after being separated and placed in a physical body. B. It’s desire to do what her Maker (Hashem)…
SERIES ON KING IN THE FIELD, Class 12, Yom Kippur Class One.
SERIES ON KING IN THE FIELD CLASS 12, Yom Kippur Class One. Yom Kippur as it fits into the overall avoda (work or service) of the Elul/Tishrei period in the Jewish year. The super mitzvah of teshuvah.
Kinesher yair Kino 5746.
Class One. Overview of Kinesher (Haazinu) Maamar. Tomorrow (class two) we’ll read it inside IYH. The Passuk aligns exactly with the days after Yom Kippur, when the T’shuva is so high (and) that it is only positive; and it is found in the words of the two P’sukim: Kinesher… Yifros Knafav… Yisaeihu al Evraso… Hashem…
Shir Hamaalos Mima’amakim; Borei Niv Sfasayim 5748.
Depths of Teshuva. Borei Niv Sfasayim 5748. This Maamar exists in 2 versions an unedited one and a prepared (also) unedited one. Both are included here.
Reb Zusha’s TESHUVA.
The Hayom Yom of the Aseres Ymei Teshuva. The five methods based on the letters of the word TESHUVA.
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