
Chamisha BiTEVES 5774 (two parts).

The Rebbe on what a Rebbe is. The Rebbe describes what a Rebbe is in order to explain how ludicrous it is to think he’d lie. This document is an insight into what the Rebbe thinks of being a Rebbe and we learned this on Hey Teves 5774. Part Two. The Rebbe lives on in…

Chamisha BiTEVES 5771 (two parts).

Can the spiritual idea of “Rebbe” (and the nature of the relationship between a Rebbe and Chassidim) be explained In Nigla (halachic) terms at all? Based on the Sicha of 2 NISSAN 5748, Likutei Sichos vol. 19 Shoftim P. 165 ff. and vol 23 Pinchas P. 190 ff. Part One. The Story. The question Melech…

Zaro (His children or his deeds?!) BaChayim, (5773/2012).

Zaro (His children or his deeds?!) BaChayim, (5773/2012).A new insight on Chamisha BiTeves, the seeds the Rebbe planted are waiting for us to cultivate and there’s so much possibility.

Farbrengen 5 Teves (5772/2011).

The Rabeiim’s Libraries, an overview (5772/2011).

The Story of Chamisha B’Teves (5767)

What could possibly have upset the Rebbe so much about “books”?

19 Teves.

A thought.


The full moon of the month “Where the body has delight from the body”.

8 Teves.

Yahrtzeit of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, wife of the Tzemach Tzedek, a story or two about the Tzemach Tzedek’s Rebbetzin.

Rosh Chodesh Teves, the middle of Chanuka. (5772/2011).

Why Chanuka is at the end of the month and actually goes from (the end [disappearing moon] of) one month into (the birth of) another, Rosh Chodesh Teves is where ruchniyus translates into Gashmiyus.