
Kislev to Teves.

Chanuka is the only Yom Tov that starts in one month and ends in another. From Kislev (the third) to Teves (the fourth) of the winter months. Short Version. Longer Version.

Kislev to Teves, Longer Version.

Kislev to Teves, Longer Version. is the only Yom Tov that starts in one month and ends in another. From Kislev (the third) to Teves (the fourth) of the winter months.

The Alter Rebbe’s Siddur.

A class about the intent of the Alter Rebbe in making his nusach. It may be very holy and precise but it is for everyone.See below for another version of the same.

Chassidus Chabad is all the Alter Rebbe’s.

One of the most interesting things about the evolution of the Torah of the seven Rabbeiim of CHABAD is their loyalty to the past. The result is an incredible uniformity in their discourses. It can all be traced back to the Alter Rebbe.


Its four stages of development.

א ילוד אשה פונקט ווי עצמות ומהות The Alter Rebbe האט געוואלט

(5776/ 2016) A thought based a comment made by the Chossid Reb Shmuel Ber Barisover about the alter Rebbe.

The Alter Rebbe’s Attitude towards Napoleon.

The Alter Rebbe’s final years (that were so positive) were interrupted (and ended) by the Napoleonic war. The Alter Rebbe’s attitude and response to Napoleon and his ideas.

Tanya, a holy book written by a holy man that embraces the Yezter Hara.

This class given at Beth Rivkah Seminary on 24 teves 5775, In this class it is underscored that the Tanya is a most encouraging (rather than discouraging) book, as it accepts the struggle of the ordinary person. Ideally it empowers one to ‘never sin again’, but one who cannot, learns from the Tanya never to…

Tanya from a Rebbe.

The Tanya written by a Rebbe for Beinonim that is truly on their level not his own.

The Alter Rebbe’s Involvement with Baalei Teshuva.

The Alter Rebbe distinguished himself (also) in his involvement with Baalei Teshuva. Some stories.