
The Tribes (60) – Yosef’s Death – Likutei Sichos Vol 30 page 249 ff.

VaYechi The Tribes (60) Likutei Sichos vol 30 page 249 ff. Yosef’s death marks the end of Braishis, because the substance of Shmos- exile to conquer the world, must be inspired and initiated by the Avos. Yosef’s death and Golus empower those who follow after him.

The Tribes (59) – Yosef in Golus. He is both a part of it and above it – Likutei Sichos vol. 3 page 831 ff.

VaYechi The Tribes (59) Likutei Sichos vol. 3 page 831 ff. This class explains the unique place of Yosef in Galus: he is both a part of it (not like Yaakov) but altogether above it (not like his brothers). As a result he can initiate it and he can predict its end.

The Tribes (58) – Yaakov wishes to reveal when the Geula will Come – Likutei Sichos Vol. 20 page 228 ff.

VaYechi The Tribes (58) Likutei Sichos vol. 20 page 228 ff. Ya’akov wishes to tell his children when the Geula will come and they will leave Egypt. But God doesn’t let him. How could they both be correct [as Ya’akov is a Merkava and above error]?? The answer is perspective: Ya’akov hopes to encourage harder…

The Tribes (56) – Menashe and Ephraim – Likutei Sichos Vol. 15 page 432 ff.

Vayechi Likutei Sichos vol. 15 page 432 ff. In Galus there are two ‘first borns’: Yosef’s first born is Menashe: to remember from where you come and not to be influenced by the environment you are in. Ya’akov’s first born is Ephrayim: to succeed and prosper and take something from the Exile and to ultimately…

The Tribes (55) – Yaakov’s Passing and Living – Likutei Sichos Vol. 15 page 422 ff.

Vayechi The Tribes (55) Likutei Sichos vol. 15 page 422 ff. Parshas Vayechi really is about Ya’akov’s passing, yet it is called Vayechi- that Ya’akov lived his best years there! The idea is that life is eternal, and that is only in, and with, God, and only when Ya’akov showed his true connection to Hashem…

The Tribes (54) -Yaakov’s Best Years were in Mitzrayim – Likutei Sichos Vol. 10 page 160 ff.

Vayechi The Tribes (54) Likutei Sichos vol. 10 page 160 ff. Yaakov’s best years were in Egypt not because of what was going on with him, but what was going on with his children, who were susceptible to the realities of Golus. Their learning Torah made Yaakov’s stay in Egypt the best moments of his…

The Tribes (53) – New School Year 5776

Introduction to the school year 5776/2015-16: Lives of the Avos, Shevatim and Golus and Geulas Mitzrayim. The pact with non-Jews, the Jewish nation, Iyov tells God there will never be another Avrohom Avinu.

The Tribes (52) – Egypt – Likutei Sichos Vol. 15 page 405 ff.

Vayigash The Tribes (52) Likutei Sichos vol. 15 page 405 ff. Jewish people settle in Egypt and take possession of (what is theirs) but it is Egypt. Eventually Egypt will take hold of them. Ultimately however the land’s taking hold of them will result in them leaving Egypt with all Egypt’s wealth!

The Tribes (51) – Yosef is the Source of Strength to Withstand Golus – Likutei Sichos Vol. 25 page 252 ff.

Vayigash The Tribes (51) Likutei Sichos vol. 25 page 252 ff. The Jewish nation in Galus is called Yosef, as Yosef is the source of the strength to survive and thrive in Golus, as he did so better than anyone.

The Tribes (50) – Toraso Umnaso in Mitzrayim – Likutei Sichos Vol. 3 page 827 ff; Vol. 1 page 95 ff

Vayigash The Tribes (50) Likutei Sichos vol. 3 page 827 ff, vol. 1 page 95 ff. Yosef is very great but Yaakov sends Yehuda to make a Yeshiva where the students have no other occupation other than learning Torah. Toraso Umnaso is very unique and it has, can, and must exist among Jews even in…