Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 229 ff – Yaakov is both Happy and Apprehensive to go to Mitzrayim
Vayigash The Tribes (49) Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 229 ff Ya’akov is happy to go to Egypt yet apprehensive. How can this be reconciled. The Rebbe reveals that not only are these two feelings not incompatible they are actually mutually interdependent.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 222 ff – Yaakov Celebrates Yosef’s Success
Vayigash The Tribes (48) Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 222 ff רב עוד יוסף בני חי Upon discovering that his son is alive not only in body but in spirit as well, Ya’akov celebrates what his son Yosef has become exceeding all expectation.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 252 ff – Yosef is the Source of Strength to Withstand Golus
Vayigash The Tribes (51) Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 252 ff The Jewish nation in Galus is called Yosef, as Yosef is the source of the strength to survive and thrive in Golus, as he did so better than anyone.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 03 p 827 ff / Vol 01 p 95 ff – Toraso Umnaso in Mitzrayim
Vayigash The Tribes (50) Likutei Sichos – Vol 03 p 827 ff / Vol 01 p 95 ff Yosef is very great, but Yaakov sends Yehuda to make a Yeshiva where the students have no other occupation aside from learning Torah. Toraso Umnaso is very unique and it has can and must exist among Jews…
ולא יכול יוסף תער”ג
Vayigash The Tribes (46) ולא יכול יוסף תער”ג This Ma’amar discusses the mystical significance of Yosef’s revealing himself to his brothers. In Golus when light shines it is higher than ‘אדם’.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 190 ff – Yaakov knows that Golus is Coming
Miketz The Tribes (41) Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 190 ff Ya’akov tells his children to get ready to be dependent on the Non-Jews in the time of famine and that this is how God’s miracle would reach them, because he senses that Golus is coming. In Golus we get our food and knowledge…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 227 ff – Yaakov Davens for His sons’ trip to Mitzrayim
Miketz The Tribes (43) Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 227 ff Ya’akov is talking to his sons about their upcoming trip to Egypt. He knows what his sons told him, but he senses something more is at hand, so he davens. He explains that he’s davening just in case. But the brothers, who know…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 10 p 129 ff – Yosef doesn’t tell Yaakov that he is still Alive
Miketz The Tribes (40) Likutei Sichos – Vol 10 p 129 ff Yosef knows by process of elimination that he best not tell his father he is alive even once appointed Vizier. He figures out that God is in on it, and He will give the signal when is the time to disclose this information…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 p 169 ff – Why Did Yosef go on his Father’s Mission?
Vayeshev The Tribes (32) Yosef went on a mission from his father to see his brothers knowing what they might do to him, Why did he go? Rashi and Ramban, According to Rashi he knew what they would do and went anyway: 1) He chose to go above and beyond the call in Mesiras Nefesh…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 p 163 ff – Yosef goes out of Galus
Vayeshev The Tribes (36) Likutei Sichos – Vol 35 p 163 ff Yosef goes out of Galus. This Sicha which analizes RaShI reveals the two aspects (or steps) in Yosef’s departure from Galus. 1) No opposition, 2) Transforming and becoming the master over the Galus.
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