
18e. Bisha’a Shehikdimu (בשעה שהקדימו) 5712 – Class 5

Bisha’a Shehikdimu 5712, Class Five.End of the Ma’amar explains that Neshamos earned the 3 Kesarim by being מקדים נעשה לנשמע, however, we need the malachim’s help because down here we are lower than them The כתר of הקדמת נעשה לנשמע He keeps, because it is about us as we are included in Atzmus and have…

18a. Bisha’a Shehikdimu (בשעה שהקדימו) 5712 – Class 1

Bisha’a Shehikdimu 5712, Class One. This Ma’amar is based on the Ma’amar צאנה וראנה עזר”תThis class is the beginning of the Ma’amar:1) The prefacing נעשה to נשמע enhances both.2) The “third crown” that is for the הקדמת נעשה לנשמע He keeps for Himself. 3) The 3 crowns against תורה ועבודה וגמילות חסדים.4) The condition for…