
Perek 4, Class 04 (54). Tanya (text based)

Introduction about 13-15 Elul and Tomchei Tmimim. תמים. Torah and Mitzvos (1). Question: why does a Yid need Yiddishkeit, isn’t he G-dliness himself. Two answers: Perek 4, Perek 35. In this Perek the answer is we need Yiddishkeit to reveal what the Neshama is. There are three knots tied to one another: G-d and the…

Class # 21

Part 3: Chanuka – Mesiras NEFESH, HIGHER THAN TORAH. Text: covers first paragraph of maamar and ois dalet. Three knots:1) Hashem to Torah 2)HaShem to Yidden 3)Yidden to Torah. Torah is HaShem’s Light, Hashem’s wisdom. Yid is Hashem’s child, His Chosen ones. Since Torah is HaShem’s Wisdom it must be reasonable with limitations and not…