5781. The Rebbe Provided the acronym.
5781 ה’תשפ”א- the Rebbe says פלאות אראנו and not אראנו פלאות and we need to analyze this. The Rebbe Provided the acronym.Sicha Vayigash 5751 page 214 footnote 94 (enclosed).
04. Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731 (Muga)
Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731PDF Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731Class One. Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731Class Two. Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731Class Three.
04. Bayom Hashmini Shalach 5739
Bayom Hashmini Shalach 5739 This Ma’amar is from the Haftora of Shmini Atzeres. The story was that when the celebration of the building the Beis Hamikdash was complete, the people didn’t simply leave, they were sent off. This was the Shlichus they were taking home from being with the King. He gave them a shlichus…
03. Ulkachtem 5739 (Muga)
Ulkachtem Lachem 5739 [Introduction: there are two sides to the purpose of creation: 1) Narrow, it is about Yidden and everything and everybody else serves this goal 2) Broad, the purpose is the world as a whole, and as such everything and everybody serve Hashem directly.] Tishrei has two dimensions A בכסא B ליום חגינו[…
02. Shir Hamaalos Mima’amakim 5739
Shir Hama’alos Mima’amakim 5739 Class One: Hashem is crowned as as a King by being praised and called a King. This class discusses the idea of שמות and שבחים that reveal כחות from Elokus and Tzadikim etc. Different levels of names: 1) Calling someone smart or kind. 2) Calling him by his name, but where…
01. Yivchar Lanu 5739
יבחר לנו ה’תשל”ט Class One: To some extent at least this class is a Hemshech to the last Ma’amar of 5738 (Atem Nitzavim). Hashem replaces Elokim with Havaya, through the blowing of the Shofar, Havaya and various levels and time. The idea of Binyan HaMalchus (the mystical form for making Hashem the King) is through…
47. Atem Nitzavim 5738
Atem Nitzavim 5738 This Parsha is the Bracha that gives the strength to crown Hashem a King on Rosh Hashana. Yidden even before Rosh Hashana stand with strength and certainty, as Hashem uses us a Merkava and we are uniquely positioned to make Him King. The idea of the Bris is discussed here as well…
39. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana 5739
39. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana 5739 This Ma’amar said Erev Rosh Hashana over the hookup is a Rosh Hashana Ma’amar. This Ma’amar asks the standard questions about Rosh Hashana on Shabbos, but gives atypical answers. The Nefesh has Giluyim (Kochos and Livushi). There are two Meshalim for Giluyei HaNefesh (or: Ein Sof): Ratzon (Will…
Minuya Ugemura… Ashrei Mi Shelo Nivra. (5772).
A short thought on a strange (context-less) statement made in the Avoda service (Musaf) of Yom Kippur. “It’s preferred that we not have been created”. A commentary.
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