BaSukos Tashvu 5745.
This short Ma’amar explains Sukkos through the Possuk Basukos Tashvu… Kol HaEzrach… Yeshvu… 1) The Sukka gives us an Ohr Makif, 2) We sit and settle the Ohr Makif to be Pnimi, 3) We have Da’as which brings to Achdus, as represented by the Sukka and the four minim, 4) This reveals the highest level…
Ulkachtem Lachem 5744.
Sukkos is all about Achdus in various aspects: 1) The Four Minim are all naturally inclined towards divisiveness, but they are never the less unified; they become the basis for the Achdus of Lulav: joining together for the Mitzvah of Daled Minim. 2) The Sukka itself unifies (in theory) all the Jews in the world….
וחג האסיף התשמ”ג
The system of unity (as explained here) is three steps: 1) division, 2) unification, 3) Oneness (where no parts exist at all, as all the parts are part of one complex purpose). In this מאמר this idea plays itself out in four things: 1) The harvest, 2) The Sukka, 3) The Four Minim Lulav etc,…
בסוכות תשבו ה’תשמ”ב.
Class One. This part of the Ma’amar deals with the meaning of בסוכות תשבו שבעת ימים. Taking something that is in and of itself temporary and making it permanent. It is true of סוכה and of all Mitzvos. It is -really- the prescription for דירה בתחתונים. Class Two. In this class the discussion is about…
בסוכות תשבו ה’תשמ”א.
Class One. Korbanos and Ketores both involve fire (light) and shade (darkness that is above light). But in Korbanos it is about the fire and the (visible heat and) light; and in Ketores it is about the shade and darkness. Korbanos: 1) bring close, 2) are a service of the mind, 3) reach -only- the…
בסוכות תשבו ה’תש”ם.
This class discusses אמונה which is מקיף and how we affect התישבות in this מקיף as the פסוק says בסוכות תשבו.
A Hakhail Ma’amar.
Moshe gathers the Jews and speaks first of Shabbos and then of the Mishkan; which is the opposite of how Hashem inspired him, where Shabbos was last. The Rebbe explains that these Pesukim are describing Hakhail; where the first step is Shabbos: Bittul followed by bringing Hashem into each aspect of life: The Bais HaMikdash.
Farbrengen 5776.
Hakhail year. Part one. Introduction, story lesson and blessings. Part Two. Hakhail, a creation of the Rebbe straight from the times of the Bais HaMikdash. children Yiras Hashem, like Har Sinai. An entire year. Part Three. Sukkos provides the basis for two big ideas that we need always: joy and Unity. Joy and especially (the…
The joy of SUKKOS and Simchas Torah.
The joy of Sukkos is separated from Simchas Torah by Shmini Atzeres. The difference between these two joys.
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