
Toldos 27:28 – Veyiten Lecha (5770)

Another Version (from 5770)

Toldos 27:28 – Veyiten Lecha (5768)(02)

Viyiten Lecha 5768 Why does Yithchok’s bracha begin with a vov and why does he use the divine name (Veyiten Lecha) Elokim? Class Two: Toldos Likutei Sichos – Vol 10 p 80; Toldos Ma’amar – Milukat: Vol. 4 p 63

Toldos (a lesson in Chinuch) (5780/2019) Chicago

Parshas Toldos (a lesson in Chinuch) 5780 (2019) Aisav is greater but extreme, Yaakov is balanced and sustained. The lesson in our lives. Second Version: Chicago, Rosh Chodesh Kislev Farbrengen

Toldos (a lesson in Chinuch) (5780/2019) Yeshiva

Parshas Toldos (a lesson in Chinuch) 5780 (2019) Aisav is greater but extreme, Yaakov is balanced and sustained. The lesson in our lives. First Version: Yeshiva.

Toldos 25:21 – Vaye’etar: One of ten (twelve (?)) Expressions of Tefilla

Toldos 25:21 Vaye’etar, one of ten (twelve (?)) expressions of Tefilla.Based on the Sifrei in the beginning of Parshas Vaeschanan.All ten (twelve (?)) expressions are explored somewhat.1) זעקה (must include צעקה) which means to cry out2) שועה also means to cry; but also means to turn וישע הוי’ אל הבל we turn from where we…

Toras Menachem – 23 Marcheshvan 5721 (02) – To Yeshiva Ohel Moshe (02)

Class Two. Toras Menachem vol. 29 Page 194-5.The lesson from Yitzchok being the son of Avrohom in a way that you saw Avrohom in Yitzchok.

Toldos 26:02 – Yitzchak’s piety and removal from the world – Yeshiva (5781/ 2020).

Toldos 26:02 Yitzchak’s piety and removal from the world – Yeshiva (5781/ 2020).Yitzchak’s story is squeezed into Parshas Toldos between the stories of Avraham and Yaakov.    Yitzchak’s role was different than his father’s or his son’s – Firstly he had the most difficult of tasks, to secure the teachings of Avrohom Avinu beyond his…

Rosh Chodesh Kislev Farbrengen (5780/ 2019 Chicago); Part One.

Rosh Chodesh Kislev Farbrengen (5780/ 2019 Chicago); Part One: Bikur Chicago revisited, some stories about the visit, commemorating the English publishing of the details of that visit.

09. Veyiten Lecha 5728 (Muga)

This Maamar is Muga. An overview of a ma’amar on the pasuk “Ve’yiten Lecha” from parshas Toldos. Source: “Ve’yiten Lecha”, Sefer HaMaamarim Melukat, Vol. IV, pp. 63  

Patriarchs (17) – Eisav is Yitzchok’s Son – Likutei Sichos Vol. 20 108 ff.

Toldos Patriarchs (17) Likutei Sichos vol. 20 108 ff. Aisav is Yitzchok’s son and as he is in Yitzchok, he and Yaakov are just two versions of avodas Hashem, one that is like a Chossid and the other one who overcomes his Yetzer HaRa. Aisav just made bad choices.