
Toras Menachem – Shavuous 5717 (05) – Sicha Three (02)

Class Five. Page 40-43. Tahalucha is in the best spirit of יפוצו מעינותיך חוצה where one goes to the recipient and doesn’t wait to be needed and sought out. Like Aharon HaKohein who loved everyone, even the simplest people. But at the same time, he brings people to the Torah and not the Torah to…

Toras Menachem – 20 Kislev 5717 (06) – Sicha Seven (01)

Class Six. Page 285-6. Introduction: the story of Reb Nachum (the Mitteler Rebbe’s son) and the Alter Rebbe and the new style [to wear a patch on his new outfit]. A new Klipa: Keeping up with the neighbors at great personal cost.

Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5716 (02) – Sicha One (02)

Class Two. Page 46-8. Miracles always occur but once in a while they are so blatant as to smash the concealment of Golus. Like 12 Tamuz!

Toras Menachem – Shavuous 5717 (04) – Sicha Three (01)

Class Four. Page 40-41. Tahalucha, the idea and the significance. Spreading Chassidus.

Toras Menachem – 20 Kislev 5717 (05) – Sicha Six (05)

Class Five. Page 283- 5. How and when Krias Shma and Shmone Esrei are certainly DeOraisa.

Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5716 (01) – Sicha One (01)

Class One. Page 45-6. כרע שכב כארי וכלביא מי יקימנו We are -in Golus- laying and no one can raise us but even then we are a lion. מי Hashem Himself will raise us.

Toras Menachem – Summer 5717 – Children’s Yechidus – To Boys

Talk Two: Boys from out of town. The summer is not a break but a preparation for the next year. This is proven in how the child behaves during he summer: learning a little bit each day, and teaching others.

Toras Menachem – Shavuous 5717 (03) – Sicha Two (02)

Class Three. Page 40. We should never feel unworthy or incapable. The earliest recipients of the Torah were most unready yet He loved them and gave it especially to them.

Toras Menachem – Shabbos Tisa – Shushan Purim Katan 5717 (05) – Sicha Three (01)

Class Five. Page 101-2. The הפטורה של אלי’ בהר הכרמל ומשפטו הידוע: עד מית אתם פוסחים על שתי הסעיפים. Why being on both sides of the fence פוסח על שתי הסעיפים maybe worse than being a strict עובד עבודה זרה? Avodah Zarah means that there is a lack of Achdus, and one honors the intermediates.

Toras Menachem – 20 Kislev 5717 (04) – Sicha Six (04)

Class Four. Page 280- 283. Three understandings of what Davening is: 1) Asking when we feel we have a need. 2) When in serious danger. 3) By focusing on how dependant upon Hashem we are. This third level makes Davening a constant DeOraisa obligation.