Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5721 (14) – Sicha Three (07).
10 Shvat 5721, Class 14; Sicha 3 (Class 7).Toras Menachem vol 30 page 67-68 (end of the third Sicha).1) Intro on Rosh Chodesh Iyar a month of healing2) Thought on the Rebbe MaHaRaSh (whose birthday is tomorrow).#storynote: 6:42 Birthday of Rebbe Maharash 2 Iyar – Story about the Tzemach Tzedek’s chair and his conversation with his son…
Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5721 (13) – Sicha Three (06).
10 Shvat 5721, Class 13; Sicha 3 (Class 6).Toras Menachem vol 30 page 67.The class was given on (30 Nissan) the Yahrzeit of the RaMaK, so there’s a discussion on the RaChaV’s place in the teachings of the Arizal.Ulidavka Bo is one of the 613 Mitzvos, and this one cannot be done properly without the Neshama (Chassidus).The…
Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5721 (12) – Sicha Three (05).
10 Shvat 5721, Class 12; Sicha 3 (Class 5).Toras Menachem vol 30 page 66-67.Introduction: after Pesach, which never ends- why?The issue of near and far, even by Tzadikim: in a body and after they leave the body. there’s a different definition of close and far then.The idea of Hiskashrus, from Rebbe to us, so much…
Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5721 (11) – Sicha Three (04).
10 Shvat 5721, Class 11; Sicha 3 (Class 4).Toras Menachem vol 30 page 65-66.Mention of 25 Adar, the birthday of the Rebbetzin and the world according to Rav Yehoshu ben Chanania (Tzadik).Knowing where one’s Hisorerus comes from matters.When you realize that it is all from outside of you (from heaven) you’ll work to make it your own…
Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5721 (10) – Sicha Three (03).
10 Shvat 5721, Class 10; Sicha 3 (Class 3).Toras Menachem vol 30 page 65.The Rebbe inspires and this is like איש מזריע תחילה יולדת נקבה- it is weak.
Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5721 (09) – Sicha Three (02)
10 Shvat 5721, Class 9; Sicha 3 (Class 2).Tzadikim are like Hashem when it is about fulfilling the Mitzvah of ללכת בדרכיו.
Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5721 (08) – Sicha Three (01)
10 Shvat 5721, Class 8; Sicha 3 (Class 1).This class begins with a long post-Purim discussion.At the end we started the Sicha and the idea of the Hiskashrus from the Rabbeiim to their Chassidim, that they would think of them from time to time and it would affect the Chassidim’s feelings.
Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5721 (07) – Sicha Two (05)
10 Shvat 5721, Class 7; Sicha 2 (Class 5).Toras Menachem vol. 30 page 61-63.(Time: 28:34) Inside reading of the Rebbe’s comments on the post Shabbos prayer “V’yiten Lecha”, and how it is connected to Malave Malkah. Two interpretations, one speaks of Torah and the other speaks of Material blessings and they are ONE in these words, to underscore…
Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5721 (06) – Sicha Two (04)
10 Shvat 5721, Class 6; Sicha 2 (Class 4).Bringing life to the ordinary (continued)Viyiten Licha after Shabbos: two meanings one material the other about Torah and they are one.
Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5721 (05) – Sicha Two (03)
10 Shvat 5721, Class 5; Sicha 2 (Class 3).Melave Malkah happens after Shabbos ends and we return to “Chol”- the ordinary; this brings “Techiyas HaMeisim” giving life to the ordinary.The Rebbe’s letter to Rabbi Gringlaz about his work and Techiyas HaMeisim,
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